NBC’s Andrea Mitchell Blames Trump for Woman Assaulted With Eggs in San Jose (VIDEO)
Add NBC’s Andrea Mitchell to the growing list of hypocritical liberals who are blaming Trump for the actions of violent unhinged leftist rioters in San Jose.
Add NBC’s Andrea Mitchell to the growing list of hypocritical liberals who are blaming Trump for the actions of violent unhinged leftist rioters in San Jose.
Students at Yale are angry that the study of English requires reading the work of old white male poets.
Do you want to know why violent unhinged leftists are treating Trump as if he was the second coming of Hitler?
The San Jose police department is under increasing scrutiny over charges that they allowed Trump supporters to be attacked by violent rioters following a Trump event.
This morning on ABC News, George Stephanopoulos asked Hillary Clinton to clarify her position on the Second Amendment and gun control.
Talk about speaking with a forked tongue.
At a campaign stop in Redding, California this weekend, Trump tore into Hillary Clinton saying that she belongs in jail for her email scandal and other things.
Remember back when Democrats were trying to sell Obamacare to the American people and swore up and down that it wouldn’t cover people who were in the country illegally?
Obama just can’t help himself.
Bernie Sanders has raised a lot of money during the 2016 Democratic primary.
Massachusetts Senator and fake Native American Elizabeth Warren is being considered as a running mate for Hillary Clinton, according to new reports.
Politico reporter Ben Schreckinger has a new piece on the recent violence perpetrated against Trump suppporters but claims the rioters were just “responding in kind.” That’s a blatant lie.
In a commencement speech at CUNY, the City University of New York, First Lady Michelle Obama took a not-so-thinly veiled shot at Donald Trump over the idea of a border wall.
A stunning new report from Judicial Watch claims vanloads of illegal immigrants are being driven from the border into the United States and put on buses with no paperwork or oversight.
In an interview with CNN’s Jake Tapper yesterday, Hillary Clinton blamed Donald Trump for the violence carried out by leftists against Trump supporters in San Jose.
Democrats and their allies in media have been obsessing on Trump University for weeks now while completely ignoring a major scandal involving Hillary and Bill Clinton’s relationship to a for-profit college.
The FOX News panel show ‘The Five’ led today’s broadcast with discussion of the violent anti-Trump riots in San Jose last night.
Maryland Democrat Elijah Cummings has been caught letting his daughter use his car – with congressional license plates – to make money by driving for the car service Lyft.
A nine year old boy in California has been told he can’t wear is “Make America Great Again” Trump hat to school because officials are worried it offends other children.
Ioannis “John” Makris of Texas has been indicted for hiring two men, both sex offenders and one an illegal immigrant, to murder his fiancée who is also a mother.
A Muslim migrant who claims to be unable to work, recently moved to Sweden and wanted taxpayers to foot the bill for his three wives and twenty children.
Hillary Clinton has made her opposition to gun ownership and the Second Amendment quite clear.
Angela Davis is a radical left-wing communist who was once on the FBI’s most wanted list.
***See bottom of post for update… Emmett Rensin is the “Deputy First Person Editor” of the liberal news site VOX which was started by Ezra Klein in 2011.
Obama visited Elkhart, Indiana this week and congratulated himself on the city’s improved economy and clearly suggested that it was a symbol for the rest of the country.
Just two days ago, conservative talk radio host Mark Levin was bashing the #NeverTrump crowd, saying they would help Hillary get elected this fall.
The US Military has shrunk significantly on Obama’s watch, as has our military preparedness.
If you talk to people on the left, they’re excited about Bernie Sanders and many of them don’t like Hillary.
Hillary Clinton is always trying unsuccessfully to sell herself as an average woman of the people.
Earlier this week, the delicate snowflake students of Emory University freaked out over pro-Trump messages that had been written on campus sidewalks with chalk.
Despite the terror attacks in Brussels this week, President Obama is renewing his determination to bring thousands of Muslim refugees into the United States.
Democratic socialist Bernie Sanders has bested Hillary Clinton in Washington State and Alaska.
Nothing is ever her fault!
They have both flip-flopped on this issue!
Undermining America once again… Cross posted from Progressives Today: As one of his last acts of hatred against America before leaving office, Obama is pushing to allow non-citizens to vote in the 2016 presidential election.
Bernie Sanders’ primary win in New Hampshire proves two things.
Guest post by Michael Strickland.
According to emails which were just released, left-wing billionaire George Soros regretted backing Barack Obama over Hillary Clinton in 2008.
Police in Munich are taking serious precautions over what they say is a credible and imminent terror threat.
The Obama administration sure is transparent, isn’t it?
A 25 year old Muslim convert from New York has been arrested for supporting ISIS and planning a New Year’s Eve attack.
Obama isn’t even trying to pretend to work with congress on this issue.
Here’s something to keep in mind the next time Democrats claim they’re the party of the middle class.
Activists in Newark, NJ held an anti-violence rally on the steps of city hall earlier this week and everything went fine until violence broke out.
The far-left “news” network MSNBC had a rough year in 2015.
Up to four tornadoes hit Dallas, Texas and surrounding community, four dead.
Kwanzaa was created in 1966 as a holiday celebration of African culture and heritage but there’s more to the story. See below.
The police in Vienna have warned several European cities of possible terror attacks based on intelligence from unnamed but ‘friendly’ intelligence sources.
Centrist Democrat attacks Hillary Clinton in curious message.
Senator Ted Cruz has released a new ad which criticizes Obama’s tepid response to ISIS and his illogical insistence that the U.S.
It took a massacre in Paris for people to finally wake up.
Former CIA director James Woolsey appeared on CNN this week and suggested that Edward Snowden has blood on his hands for the Paris terror attacks.
The Democrats have created a new ad which attacks Republicans for using the term “radical Islam” and they use old footage of George W.
Even after the horrific attacks in Paris last night, Bernie Sanders still insisted that climate change is a greater threat than terrorism at tonight’s Democrat debate.
Remember when Obama promised the most transparent administration ever?
CNBC’s Republican debate this week was so bad that staffers for the little watched network are still nursing their bruised egos.
There’s been lots of speculation since the CNBC debate that Jeb’s campaign is on life support.