*NEW* Gateway Pundit “Daily Recap” Show with Brian Lupo – Friday 9-9-22

For those Patriots who enjoy listening to your news at work or on your drive to/from work, introducing The Daily Recap!  The Gateway Pundit will now be posting up a brief summary of some of the top articles from the day before.  Each morning, I will upload my “Daily Recap” from the previous afternoon right here on Gateway Pundit for you to check out.

ICYMI: Georgia County Using Dominion Machines Adds Vote Between Nov 3 Count and Machine Recount

For those of us that are concerned with election integrity, “Human Error”, “technical glitch”, “the problem has been corrected” are all statements and explanations we seem to hear repeated over and over again regarding elections in this country.  For those “mainstream” Americans who are still plugged into the mockingbird media, they hear “Big Lie”, “most secure election in American history”, and “‘MAGA Republicans’ are trying to overturn the election.” The media asks “then show us the fraud.”  Well, “show us the election first.”  It’s difficult to prove a murder without being allowed to see the body, the crime scene, the weapon, etc.  We still cannot get access to hand marked paper ballots in any of these jurisdictions mentioned below.  Hundreds of thousands of tax payer dollars, maybe millions, are being spent to thwart the inspection of physical ballots.  We are still being stonewalled in many jurisdictions from open records request

This is Bizarre! Blue Checkmarks Inundate Twitter with One Word Tweets… Why?

Yesterday, The Gateway Pundit reported on #PedoHitler trending after Joe’s atrocious speech the night before, backdropped with blood red walls, Marines standing at modified parade rest in the shadows, and an onslaught of unwarranted attacks on “MAGA Republicans”.  In fact, his MAGA attack was the only thing of “substance” Joe really talked about.  He never once mentioned China, inflation, gas prices, the border, Ukraine, Russia, Fentanyl, abortion, or climate (mentioned once in passing).  He didn’t tell any of his fake stories about oil on the windshield and getting cancer or asthma (depending on which variation of the story you see).  He didn’t call for Putin’s removal from power.

To the US Supreme Court!! Progressive CO Supreme Court Refuses to Hear El Paso Candidates Case

El Paso County, CO is the hot bed right now for election integrity.  County and state candidates have a solid case to make for a hand recount of the ballots after unforeseen complications and issues with their Logic and Accuracy test last month.  By Colorado Revised Statute, if the recount testing has “unresolvable discrepancies“, then they must do a hand count.  The Gateway Pundit had to fact check the “fact checkers” on the failures of this Logic and Accuracy test after labeling the above article “false”.  At the time of the article above, it was not known that even the 10 hand marked ballots each candidate got to run through the scanners were not properly read either!

Breaking: New Hampshire Lawsuit Names Harri Hursti, LHS Associates as Defendants. Election Material Preservation Mandated. It’s Not Over.

A New Hampshire integrity organization, New Hampshire Voter Integrity Group, informed The Gateway Pundit of a new lawsuit filed in the “Live Free or Die” state.  The lawsuit filed on behalf of Brenda Towne names Harri Hursti and LHS Associates as plaintiffs, alleging that they were responsible for the destruction of election evidence that was to be maintained and kept under a state and federal mandates.

ERIC Investigating: Pennsylvania Issues Email Calling for Further Preservation of Election Records…But the Creator of the Memo is Bizarre…

Hat Tip ATVPA On July 26th, 2022, the Pennsylvania Department of State sent out a strange memo to county election officials stating that the controversial ERIC system is just now beginning to conduct an assessment of “improper votes” that may have been cast in the 2020 election.  Because of this “investigation”, the Department of State is suggesting that the individual counties maintain all election records from 2020.  But the creator of the memo is bizarre to say the least.

UC Berkeley to Require Masks… Again… But You Won’t Believe Why…

Earlier this month, The Gateway Pundit reported on a “Person of Color” 56-person housing unit for Berkeley students that is “inclusive” but “white guests are not allowed in common spaces.”  No, that is not a joke.  It is highly illegal, but not a joke.  While the housing unit isn’t directly affiliated with or run by Berkeley itself, it is housing utilized by Berkeley students.

Kristina Karamo Calls Out Michigan Media as Judge Denies SOS Benson’s Motion to Dismiss Lawsuit to Remove 26,000 Dead Voters

Trump-endorsed candidate Kristina Karamo, the Michigan nominee for Secretary of State, called out Michigan media today for ignoring a judge’s denial of a motion to dismiss from Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson’s office.  This coverage is contrary to the local coverage when the Antrim County case brought by Attorney General candidate Matthew Deperno was abruptly dismissed in March of 2021.

Fiona Hill to Moderate “Cyber Disruption and Disinformation” Discussion at Naval Institute

Fiona Hill will be moderating a discussion on “Cyber Disruption and Disinformation” on Thursday, September 29th at the US Naval Institute.  Hill is infamous for her hearsay testimony in the first impeachment back in September 2021 regarding a phone call she was not party to.  She was also called out by Roger Stone as a Deep State operative with ties to George Soros (worked for Open Society from 2000 to 2006).

Lake v Hobbs Case in Arizona *DISMISSED*. We’re Sure You Can Guess Why…

Late last month, The Gateway Pundit published a story about the testimony of a former voting machine tester, Clay Parikh, who was an expert witness in Lake v Hobbs, a lawsuit calling for Arizona to cease and desist use of vulnerable electronic voting machines.  Earlier this month, TGP had the opportunity to sit down and interview Mr.

It’s an Election Year! Joe Biden Also Admitted He Doesn’t Have the Authority to Forgive Student Loan Debt…But He’s Doing It Anyway

Earlier this week, The Gateway Pundit reported that Nancy Pelosi went on the record stating that the President doesn’t have the authority to forgive student loan debt.  Joe Biden has proposed the Department of Education forgive up to $20,000 in Student Loan debt anyways, despite once agreeing with Pelosi’s position.

A Private Entity (EI-ISAC) Provides Security for Elections and Then Manages “Misinformation” for the Same Entities on Behalf of the Federal Government

On February 4th, 2021, at 5:40am, TIME Magazine published one of the most significant stories of our lifetime.  They appeared to suffer this engrained desire to confess wrong-doing in order to garner some sort of recognition, similar to this Sam Harris admission.  Perhaps that is what TIME Magazine and their influencers were trying to convey when they wrote in The Secret History of the Shadow Campaign That Saved the 2020 Election: “That’s why the participants want the secret history of the 2020 election told, even though it sounds like a paranoid fever dream–a well-funded cabal of powerful people, ranging across industries and ideologies, working together behind the scenes to influence perceptions, change rules and laws, steer media coverage and control the flow of information.

Election Integrity Florida: Defend Florida’s Raj Doraisamy Lays Out MASSIVE Voter Rolls and Canvassing Issues in Sunshine State!

During Mike Lindell’s “Moment of ” summit held last weekend in Missouri, DefendFlorida.org‘s Raj Doraisamy presented  findings for the Sunshine State.  President Trump won Florida in both 2016 and 2020.  You may remember Florida holding out until late at night on November 3, 2020 before calling the state, despite a 350,000+ vote lead with just the conservative dominate panhandle left to count (part of the panhandle is central time zone, one hour behind the rest of the state).  Florida remained uncalled with 94% of the vote counted and a 375,000 vote lead.  President Trump ended up winning Florida that night by almost double the margin of Barack Obama’s historic 2008 victory.

Former WI Justice Michael Gableman Calls Out ERIC System and WI Election Fraud at Moment of Truth Summit

Former WI Supreme Court Justice Michael leman was contracted by RINO Robin Vos to conduct an in-depth investigation into the 2020 election.  In this investigation, he found massive discrepancies in the way the WEC conducted the 2020 election.  Justice leman called for the legislature in Wisconsin to “take a very hard look at decertification”.

Election Integrity Alaska: Joe Miller, Who Once Defeated Murkowski, on Ranked Choice Voting: “STAY FAR AWAY!”

Once upon a time back in 2010, candidate Joe Miller ran for US Senate against incumbent RINO Lisa Murkowski.  Joe Miller defeated Murkowski in the GOP primary, only to mysteriously lose to her in a “write in” campaign in the general election.  The results, as Joe contests, were questionable.  The Gateway Pundit covered this story back in 2010, including the apparent collusion by local “journalists” from KTVA to publish false or misleading stories about Joe Miller to deter Alaskans from voting for him.

Election Integrity: Alabama ES&S Voting Machines Accepted *XEROXED* Ballots During Machine Testing

This past weekend, Mike Lindell hosted the Moment of Summit in Springfield, MO.  Election integrity activists and experts from around the country had the opportunity to present their individual states and discrepancies they’ve found.  Throughout this week, The Gateway Pundit will be highlighting some of these states and their findings here on the website.

AZ Congressional Candidate Jeff Zink: Antifa Thug Let Off After He Was Filmed Breaking Windows on Jan. 6 While His Son Landed in DC Gitmo for Weeks for Filming It (VIDEO)

This past weekend, The Gateway Pundit traveled to Missouri for the Moment of Summit hosted by Mike Lindell.  The main focus of the event was exposing the election irregularities that occurred throughout the United States during the November 3, 2020 election.  But while we were out there, we were approached by a man who told us his story about the differential treatment of two indirectly related individuals on January 6th.  It is a story that must be told.

Prominent Podcaster Sam Harris Admits a Conspiracy to Prevent Trump Presidency was “Warranted” and “Would Not Have Cared” if Hunter hid Corpses of Children

Host of the Making Sense podcast and NY Times best-seller Sam Harris was on the latest episode of TRIGGERnometry yesterday when he made a series of disturbing remarks.  The left-leaning philosopher openly supported the dissemination of disinformation that we were subjected to prior to the 2020 election regarding Hunter Biden’s laptop.

Colorado Recount Update: My Interview with Clerk Candidate Peter Lupia

The Gateway Pundit has been covering the Colorado primary elections for 2022 in which Trump endorsed Mesa Co Clerk Tina Peters lost her race to the chairman of the CTCL Board of Directors, Pam Anderson (yes, the Zuckerbucks CTCL).  Several other “top line” candidates in El Paso County, CO also lost their races in shocking numbers, including Lynda Zamora Wilson’s race that was called for her and then flipped completely less than an hour later.

Peter Strzok Desperately Cries “Why Does He Have Two Passports?”

Russian Collusion hoaxer and corrupt FBI agent Peter Strzok tweeted out a response to President Trump’s Social last night.  Peter Strzok does not appear to have his own public Social account, so it is unclear how or why he was creeping on President Trump’s Social.

Georgia County That “Found” 2600 Votes for Trump in Nov. 2020 is **MISSING** Election Day Log Files

During the Georgia recount in the November 2020 election, The Gateway Pundit reported that Floyd County came under tremendous scrutiny from the state’s voting system manager, riel Sterling when they allegedly “found” approximately 2600 votes.  The error was immediately written off as a failure to upload a machine’s memory cards.  According to Sterling, “it’s not an equipment issue.

2000 Mules and TrueTheVote Affiliate Gregg Phillips Harassed at Scottsdale Private Party over Concealed Carry

This weekend, a couple hundred journalists, lawmakers, social media influencers and others gathered in Arizona for an event labeled “The Pit”.  The event was put on by the source of the explosive documentary 2000Mules, TrueTheVote.  TrueTheVote founder Catherine Engelbrecht, along with Gregg Phillips, worked with documentary filmmaker Dinesh D’Souza to put forward compelling evidence of ballot trafficking across the crucial swing states in the 2020 election, including the host state of this event, Arizona.

Judge Who Issued Mar-a-Lago Raid Warrant Was Terminated By Man Who’s Sentence Trump Commuted

The Gateway Pundit has been following all the details of the digression of the United States into Third World status.  Earlier in the week, it was reported that the judge, Judge Bruce Reinhart, was employed as an assistant US Attorney in the very office that was prosecuting Jeffrey Epstein.  He resigned that position only to join the defense counsel of Epstein’s accomplices.  Epstein was given what was referred to as a non-prosecutorial “sweetheart plea deal” orchestrated by Alex Acosta.  Acosta was later interviewed by the Trump transition team for the job of Labor Secretary.  When asked about the Epstein deal, Acosta says he was told to back off and that Epstein “belonged to intelligence“.

It Happened Again: Cherokee County, Kansas Election Results Reversed After “Vote Flip” Discovered

Nothing to see here, folks.  Just a human error, technical glitch, or “we caught it in time”.  Those are the excuses we hear every single time.  Every time.  Antrim County, Dekalb County, Williamson County, Windham, NH.  The list goes on and on and on of jurisdictions that have some “human error” or “technical glitch” that causes votes to flip, change or swap.

Two Georgia Counties FOR a Hand Recount Suddenly Change Course

It is extremely important to understand the state of affairs and levels of corruption in Georgia’s elections.  Before we can get into the two Georgia counties who have disregarded the will of their constituents and instead sided with questionable legal representation, we must first get an overview of Georgia’s election history since 2020: We have enough credible evidence, mostly sourced through Open Records Requests and public information, to warrant a thorough investigation into the 2020 election in Georgia.  There will be much more on this coming in the following days from The Gateway Pundit.  However, we cannot get even a simple examination of physical paper ballots.

BREAKING: Gov. Ron DeSantis Suspends Lawless Soros-Backed State Attorney Andrew Warren

Governor Ron DeSantis has taken a pro-active stance to protect the citizens of Florida from rogue prosecutors who are picking and choosing which laws to enforce, often openly doing so in the name of “social justice”.  Late this morning, with numerous law enforcement representatives including the well-known Polk County Sheriff Grady Judd, Governor DeSantis announced, effective immediately, the suspension of State Attorney Andrew Warren of Florida’s 13th Judicial District.

Arizona IT and Elections Expert: Elections Assistance Commission Was Aware That Machines Could Be Hacked in Minutes

  On April 22, 2022, Kari Lake and Mark Finchem filed a complaint with the US District Court in Arizona.   The complaint was a “civil rights action for declaratory and injunctive relief to prohibit the use of electronic voting machines in the State of Arizona in the upcoming 2022 Midterm Election.” The claim insisted that the machines need to be banned from public use unless the vendors are willing to make their system open to the public.

Colorado Patriots: Here is the List of Upcoming and *Ongoing* Recounts of 2022 GOP Primary Elections by County — GET INVOLVED

This past week, The Gateway Pundit has been tracking the Colorado primary recount effort where Lynda Zamora Wilson was winning all night on June 28th, only to have her win ripped away after local news had called the race for her.  In fact, the Colorado officials SWITCHED her vote totals with her incumbent competitor and gave the race to him!

Ukrainian “War Hero” Malcolm Nance Calls Republicans an “Insurgent Party”

We all remember when Malcolm Nance laid down his microphone and picked up his plate carrier and a rifle, and went down range to fight the Russkies.  He was hailed as a hero by his colleagues in the legacy media!  As a US Marine and a combat veteran, I would love to see some of Malcolm Nance’s heroic combat footage from the Western Front.  We know he had a cell phone at the very least.

YouTube Takes Down Tim Pool’s TIMCAST IRL during Live-Stream, despite “self-censoring”

Last night, Tim Pool’s TimCast IRL was taken down mid-stream by Tim Pool and subsequently by YouTube.  Pool had Ariel Pink in studio.  Pink is a controversial musician who came under scrutiny for attending the January 6th rally.   He was dropped from his label even though he says he did not go to the Capitol but rather went to “take a nap”.  His label Mexican Summer dropped him days after news that he attended the protest.  Pink tweeted out in a since-removed tweet “Save yourselves friends, cancel me now and turn me in before they come for you.” During their live stream, Ian Crossland was talking about immigration and a conversation about cancel culture evolved.  Crossland was talking about the Bath party becoming the Taliban, to which Pink rhetorically said “you have to kill them” inferring that it was the only way to stop cancel culture.  Pool immediately took down

Fulton County Claimed 59,143 People Voted on Election Day In Person But the Data Does Not Support That

With only a month left to go for election document retention in accordance with Federal law, and with the 2022 Election season in full swing, it seems an appropriate time to reflect on some of the anomalies in the 2020 election.  After all, we never did get an answer for most of these.  Perhaps this information may be relevant to the grand jury that is investigating President Trump for his phone call with Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger.  After all, President Trump laid out a plethora of vote discrepancies totaling in the hundreds of thousands of votes when all he needed was 12,000 or so.