HATE CRIME NYC: Black Transgender Man Attacks Random White People In AOC’s Bronx (VIDEO)
A black trans man named Thomas J.
A black trans man named Thomas J.
Guest post by Bright Start News Rep Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez retweeted herself again, and this one is for the record books.
Guest post by Bright Start News founder and CEO, Lord Mark Zuckerberg, is suspected of covertly suing native Hawaiians in a forced land grab.
Guest post by Bright Start News Attorney, Mark Geragos is outraged by how the media is treating hoaxer Jussie Smollett after a grand jury returned a 16-count indictment against his client. “What is happening here frankly is a media gang bang of this guy of unprecedented proportions” It seems Mark Geragos is not happy with our reporting.
Guest post by Bright Start News There’s been another fake incident in Chicago.
Guest post by Bright Start News Just when you thought the Jussie Smollett hoax couldn’t do more harm, hospital employees have been fired over Smollett’s patient files being “inappropriately accessed.” Northwestern Hospital employees say they were fired over Smollett's records https://t.co/ifQTQYwdxT — wilkins king, jr.
Guest post by Bright Start News President Donald Trump is more popular in Democrat controlled Illinois than Illinois’ top Democrat leaders!
Guest post by Bright Start News Former attorney for R.
Guest post by Bright Start News Yale law students protest Judge Bret Kavanaugh This is a heartbreaking, must-read article about how bigoted and radical Yale has become.
Guest post by Bright Start News An Obama appointed judge, Richard Seeborg, ruled that asking people if they’re citizens prevents citizens from being counted.
Guest post by Bright Start News The witch hunt continues.
Guest post by Bright Start News Hillary Clinton is back tracking on her comments that she’s not running for president, leaving the door wide open for a 3rd run at the White House.
Guest Post By Bright Start News A fight broke out recently at the Jackhammer bar on Chicago’s North side involving members of the LGBTQ community, leading to charges of racism and transphobia being leveled against “masc4masc white gays” that own and frequent the establishment.
Guest post by Bright Start News: Drudge, AP, and even The Gateway Pundit are all running headlines that Hillary Clinton has ruled out a 2020 run.
The normally combative Rep Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is usually playing offense on , mixing it up with people who try to attack her.
Awful video out of Milwaukee shows two black youths robbing and shooting an immigrant shopkeeper.
The US took the reasonable step of closing its consulate in Jerusalem, and folding their activities into the new US Embassy.
Trump/US backed forces in Syria are on the verge of wiping out the last of ISIS on the ground.
Hillary Clinton is hitting the panic button over Trump, telling an audience “we are living though a full-fledged crisis in our democracy.” "We are living through a full-fledged crisis in our democracy," Hillary Clinton says at this voting rights/unity breakfast.
While speaking to an enthusiastic crowd at CPAC 2019, President Trump dropped a bomb on the America haters in Congress.
Howard Dean was positively triggered by a tweet put out by Starbucks CEO, Howard Schultz on Saturday.
The Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant took over large swaths of Iraq and Syria in 2013 and 2014.
Gizmodo is rightfully reporting with concern on the advancing deployment of China’s social credit scoring system, and the accompanying rewards and penalties included in the plan.
Michelle Malkin delivered a take no prisoners speech at CPAC on Friday, the likes of which the conservative community hasn’t seen since Andrew Breitbart stood in the very same room and declared his war on Americas cultural Marxists.
President Trump used his State of the Union speech to position America squarely against the rising tide of socialism.
Seven years ago today, Andrew Breitbart collapsed on a Brentwood, Los Angeles sidewalk and died of massive heart failure.
A funny little story is making the rounds on the internet today, about Brie Larson’s potential need for a “butt double.” https://twitter.com/NolteNC/status/1101503178539962374 Whatever.
Chicago ain’t the kind of place to raise your kids.
Democrats attacked Former VP Joe Biden for saying something nice about Vice President Pence.
How will the Bernie campaign handle the employment status of their “illegal immigrant” press secretary, Belen Sisa?
While much of the prevailing media wisdom is that “History was made” for “diversity” in Chicago as a result of Tuesday’s mayoral Election, we have a different takeaway.
Fox News’ Greg Gutfeld exploded on Juan Williams during Wednesday’s airing of “The Five.” Juan Williams, the liberal voice on the panel, twice accused Gutfeld of “Being in the bunker” with President Trump.
A gunman of unknown nationality opened fire on a Bronx street in broad daylight, with a young child in direct line of fire.
Democrat Rep Ilhan Omar tweeted out a call for the ‘inevitable overthrow’ of the duly elected American President.
Michael Cohen gave testimony to the House Oversight Committee Wednesday, and during his closing remarks, he blamed President Trump for all of his misfortune, including his “loss of freedom.” "My loyalty to Mr.
Former Navy SEAL Don Shipley The purge continues.
Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez took to twitter to accuse a journalist of stalking her.
A knife-wielding muslim in Arizona called 911, pledged allegiance to ISIS and asked them to send an officer so he could deal with him.
Some schmuck mailed a box of d*cks to the police station where Jussie Smollett was booked!
According to AOC, America needs to reject the politics of fear, and we need to do it right away because we’re all going to die in 12 years.
Video blogger Frank Ropiak lives in a part of Michigan that’s getting hit HARD with a massive blizzard and freezing temps.
No matter where you fall on the issue of abortion, it’s impossible to argue with this logic: "My body, my choice" denies science: A person does not have two types of DNAA person does not have two beating heartsA person does not have two headsA person does not have 20 fingers and 20 toes When a woman is pregnant, there is another person inside her body.
BuzzFeed News Chief Los Angeles Correspondent, Kate Aurthur, tried unsuccessfully to attack Tucker Carlson.
Where do you go when the student advocates are beating the students?
Back, during a darker period of our nation’s history, it wasn’t unheard of for a white woman to falsely accuse a black man of raping her.
Jussie Smollett just became a Patriots fan.
America already has social credit scoring.
President Trump’s 404 error page on his website is a big middle finger to Hillary Clinton.
Tucker Carlson exploded on one of his guests after suffering through a segment of bitter personal attacks launched by the guest against Carlson.
Actor and Comedian Terrence K Williams was in a bad car wreck Wednesday shortly after he landed in Baltimore, Maryland.
Jussie Smollett is in DEEP trouble!
Pink Floyd’s Roger Waters made the BOLD announcement backing the Maduro government in Venezuela.
Socialist Democrat Senator from Vermont, Bernie Sanders, has announced his run for President.
Latest reporting out of Chicago is that the Maga-Bros are NOT Nigerian, according to the brothers themselves.
Michelle Malkin is turning off social media for 48 hours in protest of the silencing and de-platforming of people who run afoul of progressive big tech gate keepers who, since losing the election of 2016, have taken a heavy hand in silencing any voices they feel contributed to that loss.
In an earlier post, Jim warns readers not to forget about the video that was produced after news broke of Jussie Smollett’s “attack.” 'Our truths cannot be erased.
CWB has done an OUTSTANDING job reporting on the Jussie Smollett case, and now their latest roundup includes a quote that indicates the two Nigerian brothers, who were briefly arrested yesterday, have been released because they’re cooperating with the Police.
Be it the Covington kids, or the Jussie Smollett incident, social media is full of knee jerk bigots who prefer to accuse first, and ignore facts later.
If you think New York and Virginia abortion laws are radical, then you haven’t been to Illinois in a while.