If you think New York and Virginia abortion laws are radical, then you haven’t been to Illinois in a while.
The newly elected, Governor JB Pritzker, has promised to make Illinois the abortion capital of the world, and he’s making good on his word.
Illinois Democrats propose laws expanding abortion access — including repeal of parental notification for minors
Illinois Democrats propose laws expanding abortion access — including repeal of parental notification for minors https://t.co/XHk6k2hQiq
— Beatriz Simpkins (@beatrizpsimpkin) February 15, 2019
Illinois is taking extreme measures to ensure women are free to slaughterer…abort their babies, even when they’re partially born.
The synopsis of the bill is a horror show all on its own.
Synopsis As Introduced
Creates the Reproductive Health Act. Provides that every individual has a fundamental right to make autonomous decisions about one’s own reproductive health. Provides that every individual who becomes pregnant has a fundamental right to continue the pregnancy and give birth or to have an abortion, and to make autonomous decisions about how to exercise that right. Provides that a fertilized egg, embryo, or fetus does not have independent rights under the law, of this State. Provides prohibited State actions. Provides that a party aggrieved by a violation of the Act may bring a civil lawsuit. Provides that a health care professional shall report each abortion performed to the Department of Public Health. Limits home rule powers. Repeals provisions regarding abortion in the Ambulatory Surgical Treatment Center Act, the Sexual Assault Survivors Emergency Treatment Act, and the Injunction Article of the Code of Civil Procedure.
this next line is a real gem:
Repeals the Illinois Abortion Law of 1975, the Partial-birth Abortion Ban Act, and the Abortion Performance Refusal Act.
That means doctors and medical facilities can be sued for NOT performing an abortion. You have a religious objection to abortion? Too bad Dr. Mohammad! You better suck that fetus out or you’re through!
Makes corresponding changes in the Children and Family Services Act, the Counties Code, the Medical Practice Act of 1987, the Vital Records Act, the Criminal Code of 2012, and the Rights of Married Persons Act. Amends the Freedom of Information Act. Provides that information and records held by the Department collected under the Reproductive Health Act is exempt from inspection and copying. Amends the Ambulatory Surgical Treatment Center Act. Provides that that term “ambulatory surgical treatment center” does not include any facility in which the performance of abortion procedures is limited to those performed without general, epidural, or spinal anesthesia. Amends the Illinois Insurance Code. Provides insurance requirements for the coverage of abortion. Makes corresponding changes in the State Employees Group Insurance Act, the Health Maintenance Organization Act, and the Voluntary Health Services Plans Act. Amends the Nurse Practice Act. Provides that operative surgery does not include abortions performed without general, epidural, or spinal anesthesia, and other gynecological procedures related to abortions. Amends the Environmental Act. Provides that tissue and products from an abortion or miscarriage may be buried, entombed, or cremated. Effective immediately.
Safe. Legal. Rare. Oh well. One out of three ain’t bad.
More updates as this story develops.