FLASHBACK: “Ayman al-Zawahiri Calls On His Followers To Strike Inside US”
Even though the DC Navy shootings are only hours old, thankfully the government has already miraculously determined that this is an “isolated incident”.
Even though the DC Navy shootings are only hours old, thankfully the government has already miraculously determined that this is an “isolated incident”.
This is the legacy of Barack Obama’s “leadership” on the issue of Iraq.
According to the Egyptian military, the Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood and Hamas (Gaza Muslim Brotherhood) have “anti-aircraft missiles.” The army seized weapons including anti-aircraft missiles, [an Army spokesman] said.
Despite the fact that Iran has been killing Americans without meaningful consequence for decades, President Barack Obama is attempting to legitimize the “new” leadership in the theocratic dictatorship.
Photos have leaked out of Syria that appear to show rebels beheading allegedly pro-assad government supporters…in front of children.
Reports are coming out of Egypt that members of the Muslim Brotherhood are executing Christians for not paying the Jizya tax.
War is breaking out in Syria.
Sarah Palin and SarahPac are being sued for posting an iconic 9/11 photo on her page.
(middbeat/Rachel Kogan) Breitbart reports on an outrageous act of vandalism on campus.
A Christian ministry has been ordered by the Feds to remove all of their religious symbols if they want any federal assistance feeding the poor.
The product in the image above was not used in the harming of any women in this story You know your boyfriend’s possessive when he drugs you and brands your genitals with his initials.
Matt Drudge took to today to hammer Dianne Feinstein on her attempt to regulate who can and cannot be a reporter.
It seems like almost every day we read a new account of unionized public school officials engaging in improper conduct with children.
Greg Gutfeld makes the following observation via Is it odd that Putin’s NYT article argument against exceptionalism is no different than Obama’s?
Alabama-born Jihadi – Omar Hamami aka Abu Mansoor Al-Amriki Rantburg links to this report from AFP.
“I look up to God” by Erin Shead (10 yrs old) According to a Memphis Tennessee school, God is bad, but an accused child molester is good.
Mike Waresk, a resident of Madison, NJ is a fan of the local sports teams.
So much for “Peak Water” Thanks to free market forces, oil companies have developed sophisticated technology to search for black gold.
Only hundreds or less turned out to the so called Million Muslim March.
Reuters is reporting that ‘lethal American aid’ is now in the hands of Syrian rebels, many of whom are al-Qaida and other jihad radicals.
If only this was this most obscene image to come from Anthony Weiner!
Beginning at 9:59 AM EST, the south tower of the World Trade Center came crashing down.
When the Islamist hijackers took over United Airlines flight 93, they flew the plane low to the ground to evade detection.
190 people were slaughtered by Islamists when they crashed American Airlines flight 77 into the Pentagon.
When the world watched United Airlines flight 175 crash into the south tower of the World Trade Center, we instantly knew that what was unfolding was a deliberate attack.
#NeverForget #NeverSurrender
8:14 AM – September 11, 2001 The first signs of trouble come in the form of a phone call from American Airlines flight attendant Betty Ong from on board flight 11 which had just taken off minutes earlier.
5:45 AM – September 11, 2001 The first team of Islamist hijackers, including Mohammed Atta and Abdulaziz al-Omari, clear security at Portland International Jetport in Maine bound for Boston’s Logan airport. They would eventually connect to American Airlines Flight 11 to Los Angeles.