Radicals, Marxists, SEIU Thugs, the NAACP & Al Sharpton Plan Separate Rally to Confront Tea Party Patriots on Saturday

The radicals, racists and Marxists can’t stand the fact that patriotic Americans are holding a rally at the Lincoln Memorial on Saturday August 28, the anniversary of Martin Luther King’s “I Have a Dream Speech.” These radicals, race-baiters and socialists detest the fact that ordinary Americans are rejecting the Pelosi-Obama big-spending socialist agenda.

GOP Patriot Ben Quayle Rips Obama in Victory Speech

Arizona Republican Ben Quayle, son of former Republican Vice President Dan Quayle, separated himself from the pack in his primary race when he released this ad attacking Barack Obama as, “The worst president in US history.” Certainly if you look at the fact that Obama tripled the US deficit and nearly doubled unemployment along with ramming through his toxic socialist agenda, it’s hard to argue with Quayle.