VOTE PASSES! US House of Representatives Votes to Censure Adam Schiff – 213 Republicans Vote “Yes” to Seal the Deal!
The US House is scheduled to vote to censure Adam Schiff on Wednesday night.
The US House is scheduled to vote to censure Adam Schiff on Wednesday night.
Kanekoa The Great published new evidence on Friday that ties Hunter Biden to a bank Burisma-linked bank account in Malta and the $10 million bribe from Burisma owner Mykola Zlochevsky.
Democrats suspended voting on a bill package today to further criminalize all non-car GPS use in the Michigan House of Representatives, when the bill was on the floor and the voting was in progress.
Bowling Green player sucker-punched following game.
Democrats hold the thinnest of majorities in the Wolverine State.
On Monday, Axios reported that House Speaker Kevin McCarthy had given Fox News’ Tucker Carlson exclusive access to 41,000 hours of Capitol surveillance footage from the Jan.
Los Angeles Catholic Biship David O’Connell was shot and killed on Saturday.
The celebration of Christmas is a time for honoring the birth of our Savior, Jesus Christ.
England soccer players took a knee before their match with the United States team on Sunday.
The RINO Michigan establishment was decimated in this month’s elections.
Michigan State, which alone receives over $300 million each year from the Republican-controlled Michigan legislature, recently considered a resolution to sever relations with any Republican-affiliated business having business with the college with $1.5 billion in annual revenue.
The Governor’s primary race among Republicans in Michigan has been going on for a year.
Back in February, the Trudeau regime arrested two of the leaders of the Freedom Trucker convoy protest in Ottawa. Tamara Lich and Chris Barber were both arrested in Ottawa and charged with counseling to commit mischief.
About 12 years ago my twin brother Joe, Contributing Editor at The Gateway Pundit, married a lovely, beautiful woman from China.
“The Steal – Volume I: Setting the Stage” is out today! The Gateway Pundit Contributing Editor Joe Hoft announced his latest project on Wednesday. Joe Hoft released his first book covering the history of the stolen 2020 presidential election.
A double vaccinated 23-year-old scientist, powerlifter champion, and healthy athlete died in a Sydney hospital after testing positive for Covid-19, according to a report.
Jen Fifield getting schooled by Vernon Jones in June.
Antifa-Insurgence leader John Earl Sullivan is in custody after being arrested in Utah on Thursday.
Constitutional Attorney Matthew DePerno is an American hero.
Speaker Pelosi bowed to her radical wing on Wednesday.
Guest post by Michael LaChance at American Lookout: Things sure change quickly, don’t they?