BREAKING: Kari Lake Files Petition For Review For Historic Election Lawsuit In The Arizona Supreme Court – PETITION AND MOTION TO EXPEDITE INCLUDED

Kari Lake filed new paperwork and 779 pages of evidence in the Arizona Supreme Court today, appealing the lower courts’ decisions to dismiss her lawsuit contesting the rigged 2022 Election.

Lake also filed a ‘Motion To Expedite’ her case, arguing that “expeditious action to resolve these issues is needed to safeguard Arizona voters’ right to free and equal elections.”

The Maricopa County Superior Court and Arizona Court of appeals disregarded the evidence, “ignored this Court’s precedents for reviewing election contests and ratified Maricopa officials’ decision to ignore Arizona’s ballot chain-of-custody (“COC”) and logic and accuracy testing (“L&A testing”) requirements set forth in Arizona’s Election Procedures Manual (“EPM”), and A.R.S. §§16-621(E), 16-449, 16-452(C),” argues Lake’s attorneys in their ‘Petition for Review.’ 

“The court of appeals’ Opinion denying petitioner Kari Lake’s appeal ruled that Arizona election laws don’t matter.”

The Gateway Pundit reported last month that Lake‘s lawsuit to overturn the rigged and stolen 2022 Gubernatorial Election in Maricopa County was dismissed in the Arizona Court of Appeals. She followed through today on her promise to appeal to the Arizona Supreme Court!

This Appeals Court’ made its decision despite the massive machine and printer failures that targeted Election Day voters, turning out for Kari Lake and Republicans 3:1. This issue occurred at nearly 60% of voting locations in the County. This also created extremely long wait times, which prevented thousands of voters from even attempting to cast their ballots.

Lake’s attorneys credited Maricopa County’s failures for “causing massive disruptions, hours-long lines and disenfranchising thousands of predominantly Republican voters on Election Day.”

Qualified data analyst, Senior Lecturer Emeritus in the Department of Computer Science and Engineering at Texas A&M, and consultant for major national and international firms and government departments, Walter C. Daugherity declared under penalty of perjury that “over 7,000 ballot insertion failures occurred in almost every single 30-minute period for the entirety of Election Day, starting at 7 am and after 8 pm.”

The Gateway Pundit previously reported that arrogant Maricopa County attorney Tom Liddy, the son of Watergate attorney G. Gordon Liddy, blamed Republican voters for choosing to vote on election day, telling them, “Your reap what you sow. Liddy went so far as to dishonestly accuse Lake and Republicans of “political malpractice” for telling voters to vote on election day instead of early. Liddy desperately blames the voters for the rigged election because of the method they chose to vote.

However, Liddy’s accusations of “political malpractice” and telling voters to “wait to the last second” are inaccurate, as demonstrated by a video clip of Kari Lake telling voters to vote however they feel comfortable nine days after the start of early voting.

Lake’s attorneys took note of this attack on the voters, writing, “If allowed to stand, the Opinion will make commonplace the type of official arrogance exemplified by Maricopa’s blaming of Republicans for voting on Election Day: ‘you reap what you sow.’”

Additional discrepancies, including missing chain of custody documentation for hundreds of thousands of ballots, Maricopa County’s failure to verify signatures on hundreds of thousands of ballots, and suspicious vote reporting irregularities, likely nullified the votes of hundreds of thousands of voters.

The Courts did not even allow Lake’s team to examine the signatures and demonstrate that the signature verification procedures were violated, nor did they require Maricopa County to prove they followed early ballot procedures for signatures and chain of custody. The Superior and Appellate Courts simply took Maricopa County’s word for it!

The Gateway Pundit reported on a recent Arizona Senate Elections Committee presentation which revealed that nearly 300,000 mismatched or fraudulent mail-in ballot signatures were illegally counted in Maricopa County’s 2022 Election.

It was determined after a thorough investigation that OVER 420,000 ballot affidavits “failed signature verification in the 2020 Election.” Investigators extrapolated this data and concluded that there were “a total of 290,644 failed signatures in the 2022 Election.” 

The Appeals Court dismissed the lawsuit and signature verification claims, stating, “at best, Lake’s signature-verification claim attacked Maricopa County’s process for verifying signatures that first-level reviewers questioned — a challenge to the County’s election procedures, not a claim that overall procedures were violated.”

However, Lake’s claim is not that the signature verification procedures are unlawful. Rather, Lake challenges Maricopa’s misconduct in failing to follow signature verification procedures in the 2022 election,” Lake’s attorneys argue.

As the Reyes v. Cuming (1997) decision noted, “Without the proper signature of a registered voter on the outside, an absentee ballot is void and may not be counted.”

The court must allow Lake’s team to inspect the 2022 ballot signatures!

The Petition states in part,

The consequences of Maricopa’s violations are stark:

  •  Maricopa’s COC violations include the injection of 35,563 unaccounted-forballots by Maricopa’s third-party ballot processor, Runbeck Election Services, before Runbeck returned ballots to the Maricopa County Tabulation and Election Center (“MCTEC”) for tabulation.

  •  Maricopa’s failure to perform mandated L&A testing led to tabulators rejecting ballots at nearly two-thirds of Maricopa’s 223 vote centers over 7,000 times every thirty minutes, beginning at 6:00 am and continuing past 8:00 pm—causing massive disruptions, hours-long lines and disenfranchising thousands of predominantly Republican voters on Election Day.

Maricopa County clearly disenfranchised tens of thousands of voters on election day with deliberate machine failures targeting Republican voters. Lake recently revealed new findings that Maricopa County kept a map of Republican voters on the wall, which lined up almost perfectly with the locations of election day machine failures.

BREAKING: Maricopa County Kept a GOP Heat Map of Expected Voters Hanging on Their Wall – Then 84 PERCENT of Voting Centers with Machine Problems on Election Day were in DEEP RED DISTRICTS!

According to Findley v. Sorenson (1929), these errors, even if not intentional, can nullify an election if “they affect the result, or at least render it uncertain.” This is further confirmed by the opinion in Hunt v. Campbell (1917), which states, “wherever such practices or influences are shown to have prevailed, not slightly and in individual cases, but generally, so as to render the result uncertain, the entire vote so affected must be rejected.”

This election must be thrown out on the machine failure issue alone.

Lake filed a ‘Petition For Review Of A Special Action Decision Of The Court Of Appeals,’ supplementary appendices, and a ‘Motion To Expedite Review’ on Friday, March 1 in the Arizona Supreme Court.

Read The full filings below:

Lake Appeal Petition For Review Final by Jordan Conradson on Scribd

2023.03.01 Petition for Review Appendix by Jordan Conradson on Scribd

Lake Appeal-Petition For Review Mot Exped by Jordan Conradson on Scribd

In honor of Kari Lake’s continued fight for election integrity, The Gateway Pundit released a limited edition KARI LAKE WON AZ tee shirt. After the fraud of the century in the 2020 Election, the exact same issues — and more — showed up in 2022 and robbed Kari of her rightful seat as Governor of Arizona. SHOW YOUR SUPPORT and get your Kari Lake Won Shirt at THEGATEWAYPUNDITSTORE.COM


The Gateway Pundit will continue to provide updates on Kari Lake’s fight to Save Arizona!

Photo of author
Jordan Conradson, formerly TGP’s Arizona correspondent, is currently on assignment in Washington DC. Jordan has played a critical role in exposing fraud and corruption in Arizona's elections and elected officials. His reporting on election crimes in Maricopa County led to the resignation of one election official, and he was later banned from the Maricopa County press room for his courage in pursuit of the truth. TGP and Jordan finally gained access after suing Maricopa County, America's fourth largest county, and winning at the Ninth Circuit U.S. Court of Appeals. Conradson looks forward to bringing his aggressive style of journalism to the Swamp.

You can email Jordan Conradson here, and read more of Jordan Conradson's articles here.