Why I Am Questioning the Credibility of Dr. Jonathan McGreevy/aka Ryan Dark White/aka JohnHeretoHelp

My last post exposing serious discrepancies in the “testimony” of Dr. Jonathan Ambrose McGreevy aka @JohnHereToHelp aka Ryan Dark White is shaking the conspiracy tree and generating a bit of criticism.  There are those who insist–without offering one shred of evidence beyond the words of Ryan Dark White–that White’s allegations must be investigated without worrying about documentary evidence that White is not telling the truth.  Below is more information on McGreevy/White where we found many of his key statements to be farfetched and unsupported.

We acknowledge that McGreevy is good at sharing information and gaining even an expert’s trust but then he takes innocents into far-off places after gaining trust based on his initial comments.

Here is what Ryan Dark White told Lin Wood’s attorneys in January 2021:

  • Former Vice President Mike Pence is a closeted homosexual (see p. 7 of RDW interview titled “Background” and interview titled “Vice President Mike Pence” pp. 2-14)
  • Supreme Court Justice John Roberts is a homosexual (see p. 11 of RDW interview titled, “Vice President Mike Pence”)
  • Pedophile Jeffrey Epstein facilitated getting the children who subsequently were adopted by Supreme Court Justice John Roberts (see p. 9 of interview titled, “Background”)
  • Rod Rosenstein headed a “Dirty Tricks Squad” comprised of Sean Henry, FBI – Shaun Bridges, Secret Service — Joseph Rosati, DEA–Alan Boroshok, ATF–Gregory Utz, a former Baltimore County police officer detailed to the DEA, but he was . (see p. 2 of interview titled, “Dirty Tricks Squad.”)
  • DEA Agent Joe Rosati and retired ATF agent Alan Boroshok were involved with the murder of Seth Rich—Rosati “hired” two MS-13 gang members to attack Rich and Boroshok got rid of the murder weapon (see pp. 9-10 of RDW interview titled “Dirty Tricks Squad.”)
  • The FBI headed up a plot to kill Federal judges and tried to use a rightwing group to execute one of these plots (see pp. 10-16 of RDW interview titled “Background.”)

These are alarming allegations. So it is natural to ask Ryan Dark White, “How do you know this?”  But nothing has been published to show he answered that critical question. Did he ever work in any capacity for either Mike Pence or Judge John Roberts? Is he a friend of either man? Does he belong to any club or social organization frequented by either man? Does he know the person or persons Mike Pence allegedly is buggering? Nothing has been proffered by Ryan White so far to answer these questions. We are just supposed to take his word for it because he claims to have worked in a Secret organization with Rod Rosenstein.

If we are going to take Ryan White’s word as accurate then it is both appropriate and necessary to examine the veracity of his other statements. This is where the problems arise. Ryan Dark White/Dr. Jonathan McGreevy’s accounts of how he came to know Rod Rosenstein are inconsistent and remarkably easy to disprove.

We can start with the simple fact that White/McGreevy was born on March 28, 1968. That appears to be true. Keep this date in mind as we compare the story White told Ty Clevenger in April 2018 with the tall tale he spun for Lin Wood’s lawyers in January 2021.

White told Attorney Clevenger the following in April 2018:

  • “I was a lay minister since 1983.” (age 15)
  • “I joined the military and then the National Guard.”
  • Attended a Catholic seminary as was ordained in 1996. (age 28)
  • “I became a manager for other ministries.”
  • “I started working as a private detective.”

He did not say one word about attending one college, much less four prestigious universities. He did not say one word about obtaining multiple doctorates in the fields of Chemistry, Biology, Mathematics and Physics. Nope, first a soldier, then a minister and then a private detective.

Ryan White’s embellishments go extra orbital when he sits down with the lawyers working for Lin Wood in January 2021. He tells a completely different story but omits key facts:

And, Ryan, if you could just give us a brief background — excuse us — brief background about yourself — where you grew up, where you went to school — just so we know a little bit more about you.

INTERVIEWEE:  Ryan D. White.  It’s not my birth name.  It’s not the name I prefer.  Originally from Maryland.  I hold graduate degrees — I held graduate degrees — I’ll explain that — in physics, mathematics, biology and chemistry from the University of Pennsylvania and Green College, Oxford. Graduate school would be University of Pennsylvania, Johns Hopkins and University of Maryland, University of Maryland’s physics program.

White is not just claiming that he attended these four top flight institutions. He insists he has graduate degrees from each. That means either a Master’s Degree or a PhD. Only someone holding a PhD uses the honorific, “DR.”. This means Ryan White is claiming that he obtained at least one PhD. In his subsequent interview with Stew Peters, White insists he has at least two doctorates.

If Ryan White aka Jonathan McGreevy actually was awarded an advanced degree from the University of Pennsylvania, Johns Hopkins University, Maryland University or Green Templeton College at Oxford University, there would be a record and a copy of his dissertation on file.

So I started checking. According to officials with access to these records at the University of Maryland and John Hopkins University, the name Jonathan McGreevy is not found. He was never awarded a graduate degree from either. My requests to the University of Pennsylvania and Green Templeton College Oxford are pending.

Ryan White’s lies about his academic record achieved a new level of bizarre during his June 23, 2021 interview with Stew Peters. He claims he created a virus that will sterilize men and women (pp 40 – 42 of the Stew Peters transcript):

STEW PETERS: Now you were directly involved with one of those particular viruses, am I right?


STEW PETERS: You developed a virus. What would that virus have done it had been released upon the world?

JONATHAN McGREEVEY: This was gain of function research, one of many, and this one — I probably shouldn’t say which virus, but it was a (indiscernible) virus you heard about but it was manipulated and engineered, gain of function, to the point where it would affect populations by making people sterile.

If it had been released within one generation, it would have made 90 to 95 percent of the male population sterile and approximately 30-35 percent of the female population sterile. . . .

STEW PETERS: So just so everybody’s very clear here, this is a virus that would have essentially wiped out an entire generation by making 90 to 95 percent of males sterile and 30 to 35 percent of females would become infertile, unable to reproduce.

Anthony Fauci and Bill Gates tried to buy this. Gates tried to buy it. Fauci tried to steal it with the intent knowing what it was capable of of releasing it into the general global population; is that right?

JONATHAN McGREEVEY: That’s correct. Rod Rosenstein tried to seize it legally. His sister, Nancy, was very interested in it and also tried to help him. She was going to point out what to look for and how to get it and whether this was real or this was not. She was the one directing them because Rod is not a physician or scientist. And they tried very, very hard to get it.

(pp 47 – 48 of the Stew Peters transcript):

STEW PETERS: You have been an integral part of doing the research and developing some of these things. That is why you’re able to speak from an educated perspective on this. I want people to understand that this is what you do. This is your profession. This is what your expertise is in; is that correct?

JONATHAN McGREEVEY: Part of it. At the time, yes. I mean, it’s molecular biology, molecular chemistry in addition to the medical, so yes. I mean, that’s what I did. That’s part of what one doctorate was based on was gain of function research. . . .

Ryan Dark White aka McGreevy insists he has at least two doctorates. One of these is in biology with a specialization in virology.

If Ryan Dark White was doing virology research then he should be able to say where he did it and when he did it. In addition, where are his articles in medical journals detailing his research? And if he argues that he was doing “classified” research then there will be a record of his security clearance.

The legal record tells a different story. RDW was arrested by DEA in 2009 when he received a shipment of Schedule II narcotics from Los Angeles that was part of an ongoing case being run by DEA Los Angeles. DEA Agent Joe Rosati, based in Maryland, became involved when he was alerted to the package by his Los Angeles colleagues. In the course of tracking the package, Joe Rosati “met” Ryan Dark White for the first time. During the search of White’s residence weapons were recovered. Those weapons were seized by ATF Agent Boroshok.

Ryan Dark White was convicted on a felony drug charge (which means he could not legally own firearms or ammunition after 2009). This is relevant when you read the indictment for his second arrest in October 2015:


Note that the second count specifically references White/McGreevy’s prior conviction for a crime that prohibits him from possessing firearms and ammunition.

The aforementioned facts call into question the claims by Dr. Jonathan McGreevy. It appears that McGreevy is very good at telling a tall tale.  We say this to protect innocent individuals from ever trusting this man.  

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