NO SURPRISE: 82 Percent of Americans Believe the Nation is Divided

A whopping 82 percent of Americans believe that our nation remains divided, according to a new national poll released by NBC News on Sunday.

The results of the poll should shock nobody, as the liberal media and Democratic Party have been working around the clock for years to stole the flames — despite Joe Biden’s vow to be a more “unifying” president.

According to the poll, 82 percent of respondents believe the country is divided, with 50 percent saying that they feel the nation is mainly divided and 24 percent who think it is totally divided.

Additionally, 56 percent of the people who responded to the poll believe that the nation is on the wrong track.

“Biden received his lowest marks of approval on border security and immigration with 33 percent. He received a 34 percent approval rating on the gun issue and 35 percent when it comes to dealings with China,” the Hill reports.

Forty percent of respondents identified as Democratic or Democratic-leaning and only 32 percent responded as Republican or Republican-leaning. Fifteen percent identified as strictly independent.

The poll was conducted between April 17-20 and surveyed 1,000 adults. The margin of error for all of the interviews is plus or minus 3.10 percentage points and plus or minus 3.49 percentage points for the 790 interviews among registered voters.