BUSTED: Rhode Island’s Dem Governor Caught Maskless at Wine Bar After Telling People to Stay Home

The latest liberal hypocrite politician to get busted is Rhode Island Governor Gina Raimondo, who was photographed at a wine bar after telling everyone else to stay home.

Gov. Raimondo not only went out, she also didn’t bother wearing a mask.

Four days before her wine excursion to a “wine and paint” event at Barnaby’s Public House in Providence, she told her constituents in a tweet to “stay home except for essential activities & wear a mask anytime you’re with people you don’t live with.”

“It’s week two of our pause. I know it’s been hard, but I want to thank every Rhode Islander who’s following our guidance. Please, stay home except for essential activities & wear a mask anytime you’re with people you don’t live with. Together, we can turn our case numbers around,” she tweeted on December 7.

Erica Oliveras, who took the photo, told WLNE that the governor “only took her mask off to drink her wine.”