UPDATE: GoFundMe Launched for Covington Catholic Students, They Vow to Donate 100% of the Funds to Students for Life

Conservative high school student and political commentator CJ Pearson has launched a GoFundMe campaign for the students at Covington Catholic High School — but 100% will now be donated to Students For Life — the nation’s largest youth pro-life organization. 

The campaign has raised nearly $7,000 in one hour.


Originally, half the funds were going to cover costs associated with legal, public relations and on the ground efforts to protect the students’ reputations.

“In their honor, and with the blessing of many parents and students at Covington Catholic, I have created this GoFundMe campaign – in honor of my newfound friends at Covington Catholic. This fund will be used to offset costs associated with the legal, public relations, and on the ground efforts of the #StandWithCovington campaign,” Pearson wrote in the campaign description.

However, as the cost of services has been covered or offset by volunteers, they have updated the campaign to say 100% of the donations are going to Students for Life.

The updated description states:

“The Covington Boys didn’t go to D.C. to become famous. They went to D.C. to March For Life – in support of the unborn.

So, with that being said, 100% of all money raised will be donated to Students For Life – the nation’s largest youth pro-life organization.”

Pearson told the Gateway Pundit that he first connected with some of the Covington kids after one of them messaged him on Instagram asking for help navigating the media frenzy.

“I first connected with the kids from Covington Catholic after one student messaged me on Instagram – asking for my help in navigating the media frenzy that had begun to surround them,” Pearson explained. “What they’ve gone through is something that no kid should ever go through. Something that no person should ever go through. I’m happy to do anything and everything I can to make this ordeal bearable for both my newfound friends at Covington and their families.”

The pro-Trump world has circled the wagons in a big way after Never-Trump conservatives and leftists began attacking the students.

Pearson has been fighting especially hard — while still attending high school himself.

On Monday, he launched a Twitter hashtag campaign to draw attention to all the verified accounts that have been calling for harassment and violence against the students. He also authored a petition against the kids being expelled that has already gathered nearly 25,000 signatures.

“As this episode has played out, new videos have emerged, directly in conflict with the narrative of the mainstream media. It was not the students from Covington who approached the Native American. It was the Native American who approached the students from Covington. It was not the students from Covington who chanted “Build The Wall”. It was, however, one of the Native Americans who told the students from Covington to ‘go back to Europe’. It was not the students from Covington who instigated this fiasco. It was Native American activist, Nathan Phillips,” the petition reads.

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