Body Language Expert: Gen. John Kelly KNOWS 100% Who The White House Leaker Is (VIDEO)

The body language expert behind the Youtube Channel, Bombard’s Body Language, believes Gen. John Kelly knows who the White House leaker is, but likely cannot keep intel from him/her because information must flow through them. The expert analyzes the body language of Kelly discussing leaks with FOX News host Chris Wallace last Sunday.

BODY LANGUAGE EXPERT: “John Kelly, was appointed Head of DHS and now has taken over the White House. I like him. Pretty honest guy. The thing that everyone is worried about now are the leaks. I want you to watch the small segment, because there’s not much on him. There you go. Leaked to the New York Times. This is talking about back in Manchester, the Manchester bombing. You see Kelly, he’s playing with his fingers, listening to the question. As soon as we hear ‘leaked,’ you get a pause, he sits up with his neck a little bit. He looks at him and engages instantly. He looks at his watch, if there’s even a watch there. And That’s how it’s played all the way through. They know who the leaker is. They know who the leaker is. So if you know who the leaker is, you avoid giving sensitive information to that leaker. Problem solved if you can’t get rid of them. Unless that person is in a position you cannot keep information from. But they know who it is.


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