Melania Trump Selling Christmas Ornaments and NFTs That She Designed to Raise Money for Foster Care Kids

Former First Lady Melania Trump has announced that she is selling new nonfungible tokens (NFTs) and Christmas ornaments that she designed.

The limited-edition Christmas Star is handcrafted in the United States with a corresponding animated NFT.

“Melania Trump designed The Christmas Star, a limited edition, handcrafted Christmas ornament and corresponding animated NFT for the 2022 Christmas Season,” Melania’s website states.

“My creative inspiration for the upcoming holiday season is hope, and naturally, the Star embodies this spirit. My hope is for families across the world to use The Christmas Star ornament to inspire their loved ones with positive purpose, aspirations, and values as we enter the new year. This holiday season, remember to aim high to reach your full potential,” the former First Lady said of her design.

The Christmas Star will be available the 2022 Christmas season only.

“Each brass ornament is handcrafted in the United States and will include an engraving of Melania Trump’s signature,” according to the website.

The NFT matches the ornament and will be minted in limited quantities on the Solana blockchain.

According to a report from the Econotimes, part of the proceeds from the ornaments and NFTs will be donated to “Fostering the Future,” a foster care organization that helps to fund children’s education through scholarships.

Pre-orders for both the ornaments and NFTs started on Sept. 15 and will close on Oct. 2.

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