NBC ran a story on Friday claiming that President Donald Trump had given up on trying to stop RINO Georgia Governor Brian Kemp.
The story cited anonymous sources claiming that Trump was unhappy with the campaign David Perdue has been running.
But NBC published a story on Thursday in which three Republicans who had spoken with the former president told NBC News that Trump had given up on Perdue, who is challenging incumbent Kemp.
A fourth source, characterized as someone close to Trump, said that the former president did not anticipate making additional appearances on behalf of the former senator in the state, with sources telling NBC News that Trump believed Perdue has done lackluster campaigning.
Trump blasted the story as fake news and reiterated he is determined to beat Kemp.
Trump accused the Kemp campaign of working with NBC to push the phony narrative he had given up on the race.
The Kemp Campaign, together with Fake News NBC, has put out a phony narrative that I have given up on David Perdue in Georgia. That is completely FALSE! I am with David all the way because Brian Kemp was the WORST Governor in the Country on Election Integrity!
The primary election is taking place on May 24th, 2022.
RINOs have flocked to Kemp to try and help prop him up. The most notable was Vice President Mike Pence.