There is lots of misinformation coming out of Ukraine which makes it difficult to know what’s really going on. The ‘Ghost of Kiev’ is one example.
Former President of Ukraine, Petro Poroshenko, tweeted the following
@poroshenko tweets:
In the photo – the MiG-29 pilot. The same “Ghost of Kiev”.
It causes terror in enemies and pride in Ukrainians 🇺🇦
He has 6 victories over Russian pilots!
With such powerful defenders, Ukraine will definitely win!
At least one website confirmed the story:
As it turns out, the so called ‘Ghost of Kyiv‘ is actually real! There are now various official sources that have confirmed his existence and some even shared a picture of him. Former president Petro Poroshenko decided to upload a picture of the heroic pilot who downed 6 aircraft from the Russian Government on Thursday, February 24. This confirms that the ‘Ghost of Kyiv’ is not only real but he remains active in the air. In one of the toughest nights for the capital of Ukraine, this pilot is roaming the skies looking for more victims to add to his list of kills. When the story of this ghost began spreading like wild fire, many didn’t believe this to be real.
But the Ghost of Kiev story is not true. Parts of the imagery used in the story are from a 2019 article published in Ukraine at
Here is more on the ‘Ghost of Kiev’ from XRVision. The video of the fighter jets in the below attachment appears to come from a video game. It would be very difficult to film a jet going at extreme speeds flying across the sky, let alone two.
Another story that aired on a news program on Malayalam News comes from a video game. Below you can see the video game and the news coverage.
It’s difficult to know what really is going on with so much misinformation coming out of Ukraine.