Triple vaccinated Swiss marathon record holder and Olympic athlete Fabienne Schlumpf was diagnosed with myocarditis and may never be able to compete again.
The 31-year-old Swiss runner announced on her Instagram account Thursday that she developed myocarditis. At the time being, she is not allowed to play any sports and participate in training.
A local newspaper confirmed that Schlumpf has been vaccinated and boosted and has never been infected with Covid before.
Translation: Most often, a viral infection leads to myocarditis, Schlumpf does not see a connection with Corona. She has been vaccinated and boostered and has not been infected so far. Actually, she wanted to travel to the training camp in Portugal at the beginning of the year, but nothing came of it. “Nobody can say how long I will have to take a break,” she said.
Marathonläuferin Schlumpf (2h26) hat eine Myokarditis. Einen Zusammenhang mit Corona sieht sie nicht, denn:
sie ist geimpft und geboostert!
— FranMu (@francin79125521) January 7, 2022
“The 31-year-old was reported to be feeling ‘fatigued‘ in everyday life and after her heart rate skyrocketed during an easy endurance run last month, she sought out a doctor who diagnosed her with myocarditis,” according to the COVID world.
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