Catherine Engelbrecht the founder of True the Vote joined Alex Marlow on Breitbart podcast on Friday.
Catherine and True the Vote have made headlines for months now on The Gateway Pundit for the investigative work she is conducting with her team in several swing states.
On Friday Catherine was interviewed by Alex Marlow She told Alex an infrastructure is in place to collect ballots en mass in various communities across the US. It’s two parts – ‘Getting Ballots’ and ‘Depositing Ballots’. Ballots are either taken, or collected through intimidation and remuneration. Authority figures and people they look up to in their communities reinforce this illegal process is acceptable. People surrender ballots in order to secure housing, food, access to employment, and so on. This isn’t new, it is just much more exposed because of the massive influx of cash into the election last year.
Her interview starts at 44:35, below transcript start at 50:10.
Engelbrecht – Partial Transcript:
It’s ballot trafficking and voter abuse. It prays upon the most vulnerable in our communities in the most insidious of ways. Each State we worked in has a slightly different twist on the manipulation. It finds itself centered in communities that are dependent upon resources that they look to authority figures, who hang as a Sword of Damoclese over their head, the requirement that among other things, their ballot must be surrendered when the time is right. That is consistent across all the States. The way that we have seen this unfold is an organized effort to target into certain neighborhoods, into certain people groups, into to certain voter groups, and either take the ballots directly, or convince people that it is appropriate to surrender their ballot for some exchange of remuneration on some level. And this is the front half of the grift. It’s the getting of the ballot. The depositing of the ballot to these drop boxes is another matter entirely and remuneration there is another matter.
The way these ballots are collected ranges from just swarming into neighborhoods with escalation scripts that get more and more outrageous about why people should surrender their ballot, and more and more aggressive to the other end where you have people lets just say along borders in certain States that are quite literally trapped. And their ballots, among other things, are surrendered in order to secure everything from housing, to food for their children, to access to employment. And in those communities if you don’t play the game, you’re shut out. You’re excommunicated. And because you in often time the economic position you are in you just play along, you keep quiet. This is nothing new. What we say in 2020 though was catalyzed. It was the magnum opus of ballot trafficking because we had this massive influx of money. We had ballot pushes for this mass mail out the paper ballots. And of course our voter rolls are corrupted 6 ways from Sunday.
There’s some very real problems here but they are very granular. It’s very process oriented. And it takes a tremendous amount of exactitude to get to the heart of what is happening. And so it’s far from over. But we are now at a place where can surrender what we have and only hope that the people that we share this with, the authorities in various States, will have the fortitude to push it forward. I am here to tell ya there is a very real problem that we must address. ….Culturally, what we are learning is that the participants in this, on both ends of the formula, don’t necessarily see that this is anything wrong. I mean, they kind of sense that it’s not good to be bundling ballots and receiving payment for that. But the people that they look to in their communities are assuring them otherwise. It’s part of a broader effort in the way that it’s happening. In their own echo chambers, it’s fine. And that has to do with a lack of effort on voter education, and the lack of determination to follow the law – again something we saw rampantly in 2020 just lawlessness. Just do what you want. Whaddya gonna do about it.
As we have reported earlier if mass collection exists, this would explain almost everything we know:
** Explains why the massive voter registration drives always focus on these type of communities.
** Explains why Dems spend no efforts to ensure these types of people vote. It’s because their ballots will be harvested.
** Explains why liberal ballot tracking groups want USPS integration. They’ll know exactly when and where ballots hit the ground.
** Explains why the DOJ and others will prevent canvassing at all costs.
** Explains why Dems fight so hard to prevent voter roll cleanup.
** Explains why Dem want to move away from precinct voting and towards “vote centers”, and drop boxes.
And so on…..