100 Percent Fed Up – On April 15, 2020, members of the most powerful grassroots conservative group in Michigan, the MCC (Michigan Conservative Coalition), were fed up with MI Democrat Governor Gretchen Whitmer’s draconian, business-killing lockdowns and decided to do something about it. MI GOP Vice-Chair Meshawn Maddock and MI GOP vice-chair, MI GOP grassroots chair Marian Sheridan, along with other hard-working conservatives in their group, organized a protest that brought over 15,000 vehicles filled with MI residents from all over the state to Michigan’s Capitol.
The lockdown protest was the first of its kind in the world and has since inspired hundreds of lockdown protests across America and around the world.
The #OperationGridlock protest was a huge success and shined a spotlight on the serious consequences of allowing elected officials to use unconstitutional power to destroy the lives of millions. The in-vehicle protest caused backups on highways for several miles in every direction and caused gridlock on the deserted streets in Lansing.
From plumbers to drywallers to landscapers, cement trucks, and horse trailers, Michiganders showed up in force to express their displeasure with the reckless decisions made by a tyrannical Democrat governor auditioning for the role of Biden VP.
Since that day, a lot has happened in Michigan, including a hotly contested November election that caused millions of Americans to question the election’s outcome. The video below was taken inside the TCF Center in Detroit, where Republican poll challengers were frequently thrown out of the absentee ballot counting facility for various reasons, including not allowing themselves to be harassed or intimidated by election workers and outside agitators.
Michigan’s Republican House Oversight Committee Chair Steve Johnson mocked the Arizona audit and MI Senate Oversight Chair Ed McBroom decided to ignore the evidence presented to their committee by hundreds of Michigan residents and produced a report two weeks ago saying there was no mass voter fraud in their state.
To date, only MI State Representatives Steve Carra (R), Matt Maddock (R), and Daire Rendon (R) have expressed their desire to perform a forensic audit of the November election.
On Thursday, during a Senate hearing, the Arizona audit team announced the stunning results of their forensic audit that were very damning.
Proof of potentially massive voter fraud in Georgia, where Trump lost by only 13,000 votes, has rocked American’s confidence in elections:
FULTON COUNTY, GA: 🚨🚨🚨 More evidence from @VoterGa shows audit tally sheets were marked entirely for @JoeBiden despite having votes for Donald Trump and Jo Jorgensen in those batches. Must watch! @RealAmVoice pic.twitter.com/RPOBsCON7Q
— Heather Mullins (@TalkMullins) July 14, 2021
Last month, while the Arizona audit was taking place, conservative rock-stars Marian Sheridan and Rosanne Ponkowski, founding members of the MI Conservative Coalition, delivered over 7,500 affidavits they collected from MI citizens to lawmakers demanding a forensic audit of the November vote.
Hundreds of Citizens Deliver Over 7,000 Affidavits Claiming Election Fraud to Michigan Officials.
Will MI be the second chip to fall? https://t.co/Qrr7z6eDlV
— Jack Lombardi II (@JackLombardi) June 20, 2021
Only one day after the release of the results of the Arizona audit, the Michigan Conservative Coalition group has announced that they’re hosting a huge “Trump Won” rally in Michigan on July 20. The flyer for the event mentions Arizona and Georgia’s election results and asks Michigan residents to come out and join them to demand a forensic audit as a way to “regain trust in our elections.”
The Trump Unity Bridge will be attending the Trump Won Rally.
Meanwhile, Democrats are in full-blown PANIC mode and, after losing multiple legal challenges in their attempts to prevent the AZ forensic audit from taking place. Now, after the gaming results of the audit have been released, they are prepared to take any steps necessary to discredit them.
One day before the results of the audit were disclosed, Democrat US House Oversight Chair Carolyn Maloney (NY) and Rep. Jamie Raskin (MD) sent a letter to Douglas Logan, Cyber Ninja CEO, informing the group that performed the Arizona audit that they will be investigating whether the company is working to “reverse the result of a free and fair election for partisan gain.”
After spending the day at the audit facility in Maricopa County, AZ, former NYPD Chief Bernard Kerik shared his professional opinion on the integrity of the operation:
Newsmax– The Democrats aren’t “just” afraid of the outcome – but they’re afraid that the audit results will be irrefutable and unimpeachable. They know that their efforts to discredit the audit process in Arizona will not stand up to scrutiny and here’s why.
The Arizona audit is being run impeccably, utilizing security and surveillance procedures with a longstanding track record of effectiveness.
To say that I was impressed after viewing the audit process for myself would be a massive understatement. I’ve spent decades working in security and law enforcement at the highest levels, and this is exactly the level of conscientiousness and attention to detail that I would demand for a sensitive or high-profile investigation.
They’re not trying to reinvent the wheel; they’re using the same methods casinos have used for decades to catch cheaters.
It’s common knowledge that casinos are exceptionally good at catching cheaters, and if anybody tries to pull a fast one during the Arizona audit, they face the same long odds of getting away with it.
Before a person can even enter the premises, their name must be on a pre-approved list. After winding their way through a maze of corridors, they arrive at a security checkpoint where their ID is checked.
From that point forward, visitors are escorted at all times by audit personnel.
After being briefed, visitors must forfeit cell phones, cameras, and any writing implements they might be carrying before they can be escorted to the audit floor. That’s why the Democrats’ claims of seeing auditors wielding blue and black pens are so implausible.
On the coliseum floor, the audit is conducted in several stages, each of which takes place in a designated area. The tables in each section are color-coded, and workers wear shirts with corresponding colors, making it easy for anyone to spot if someone strays from their assigned area.
At every table, there is accountability and supervision, all of it live streamed and viewable by the general public.
Just like in a casino, where “pit bosses” keep a close eye on a relatively small section of tables, there is an audit supervisor responsible for groups of two to three tables. If any problems arise or anything appears to be even slightly amiss, the supervisor immediately steps in to address it.
And just as casinos use high-resolution cameras in the ceiling to monitor every single table, the auditors in Arizona labor under the scrutiny of state-of-the-art cameras positioned directly above each table.
Every ballot reviewed by the auditors goes through distinct stages, starting with a simple count. One by one, ballots are placed on rotating stands in the middle of each table, and each one is viewed and counted by three separate people, whose independent tallies must line up. Each batch has 50 ballots, and once all of them are counted they’re boxed, sealed, and marked with the name of each counter, much like an evidence label.
The box is then taken to a locked cage until it is ready for review at the next station.
Next, the ballots undergo digital imagery examination, which is done at such a high resolution that it’s almost better than reviewing the ballot itself, because you can zoom in without losing resolution.
When I was there, one of the auditors showed me an example of a ballot that was flagged as suspicious because every single oval was filled out perfectly, without a single stray mark – something that would be easy for a machine to accomplish, but is almost impossible to do by hand.
After being imaged, the ballots are re-boxed, a new tabulations page is attached, and the box is sent to a different cage. From that point on, the ballots are kept under lock and key, with 24/7 video surveillance.
If every state performed an audit like this one after every election, public faith in our democracy would be absolute and unshakable.
The audit process being used in Arizona has accuracy, integrity, and accountability, and there’s no way to cheat because everything is captured on film.
Now that I’ve seen the process for myself, I finally understand why it has the Democrats so hot and bothered.
As usual, Michigan is at the forefront of the battle to stop Democrats from stealing elections and destroying our nation. Will Michigan be the next state to perform a forensic audit? Aside from Representatives Maddock, Carra and Rendon, do Michigan lawmakers have the backbone necessary to put their future political ambitions to the side and do the right thing?