The Deep State gang in the corrupt DOJ and FBI appear to be conjuring up a new attack against the American people.
These once-respected institutions totally ignored the pallets of evidence of voter fraud in the 2020 election across the nation.
Now it appears they may be directing their resources onto individuals involved in election audits, like the canvassers in Arizona.
We saw how the DOJ and FBI attacked President Trump during his entire Presidency with the Mueller Russia lie. None of the villains from these institutions were ever brought to justice. Justice in the Justice Department was gone.
Then we saw how these same gangs set up and attacked innocent Americans who on January 6th who were invited into the US Capitol only to be arrested months later and put in solitary confinement, away from family and friends, in jail, being held on misdemeanors.
Now that courageous Americans are working on unwinding the piles of evidence surrounding the stolen election, the DOJ and FBI appear to finally want to get involved. These institutions won’t look into the obvious election fraud soon to be uncovered. No, they will be putting their efforts into the actions of Americans, mostly volunteers, who are trying to get to the truth.
In Yavapai County in Arizona, the Sheriff’s Department issued a statement supposedly based on reports to the County Recorder Leslie M. Hoffman. This was reported by TGP in the article below. The Sheriff claims canvassers claimed they were working for the County Recorders Office and were asking inappropriate questions of individuals they were canvassing.
Here again, is the memo from the County Sheriff dated June 11 and tweeted on June 14th:
— Yavapai Recorder (@YavapaiRecorder) June 14, 2021
There is no evidence to support these accusations in the memo from the County. We expect that dead people didn’t complain and it could easily be imposters for all we know if there were complaints.
We do know that the law states the following about voter intimidation:
We also know that on June 11th last week the US Attorney General threatened Arizona election audit participants by saying it would look into voting law violations.
Arizona Rep. Paul Gosar Denied Entry Into Maricopa County Elections Center as Ballots Are Counted
Corrupt AG Garland and the Yavapai Sheriff both send out communications on June 11 referring to voter intimidation. The AG warns against it and the Sheriff makes claims that exactly tie to the legal descriptions of voter intimidation ON THE SAME DAY.