Twitter Censors Project Veritas for Report on Facebook Censorship, Says They Violated Rule Against ‘Posting Private Information’

Twitter has temporarily suspended Project Veritas and is forcing them to delete a tweet about Facebook censorship.

The platform claims that the organization violated their rules against “posting private information” with their reporting on Facebook Vice President of Integrity Guy Rosen stating that they are now freezing comments from users in places where their algorithms think there “may be” hate speech.

Project Veritas has obtained a recording of a leaked internal meeting that took place on January 21, during which Rosen explained that the effort was part of their “efforts to protect the election.”

“We have a system that is able to freeze commenting on threads in cases where our systems are detecting that there may be a thread that has hate speech or violence… these are all things we’ve built over the past three-four years as part of our investments into the integrity space our efforts to protect the election,” Rosen said.

On Wednesday, Project Veritas posted a video of their journalist Christian Hartsock confronting Rosen with questions about the policy — and Big Tech really does not want you to see it.

The suspension appears to be for 12 hours. In the meantime, you can follow Project Veritas on Telegram.


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