Rebel News Reporter at Capitol Mass Civil Disobedience: ‘I Just Watched a Man Who Appeared to Be Dead Rushed Out of Crowd’

Chaos has erupted at the Capitol as Trump supporters are working to storm the building and clashing with DC police.

Rebel Media reporter Keean Bexte is tweeting from the mass civil disobedience and wrote that he saw a man who appeared to be dead rushed from the crowd.

Police are reportedly using pepper spray, flashbangs, and other crowd dispersal methods to try and stop the crowd from storming the building.

“I just watched a man who appeared to be dead rushed out of the crowd by paramedics,” Bexte wrote.

Reporters at the scene are having difficulty uploading photos or videos due to the internet being out.

Congressional office buildings have been evacuated due to the protest and a possible threat of a pipe bomb.

The civil disobedience is ongoing and the Gateway Pundit will be providing updates as the situation unfolds.