Karl Rove shows again why he is no longer respected or trusted by the millions of Americans and conservatives who supported President Trump.
Karl Rove is the long-forgotten ‘Architect’ from the G.W. Bush Presidency.
His Wall Street Journal bio claims the following:
Karl Rove served as Senior Advisor to President George W. Bush from 2000–2007 and Deputy Chief of Staff from 2004–2007. At the White House he oversaw the Offices of Strategic Initiatives, Political Affairs, Public Liaison, and Intergovernmental Affairs and was Deputy Chief of Staff for Policy, coordinating the White House policy-making process.
Before Karl became known as “The Architect” of President Bush’s 2000 and 2004 campaigns, he was president of Karl Rove + Company, an Austin-based public affairs firm that worked for Republican candidates, nonpartisan causes, and nonprofit groups. His clients included over 75 Republican U.S. Senate, Congressional and gubernatorial candidates in 24 states, as well as the Moderate Party of Sweden.
This week he thought it was an opportune time for him to comment on the 2020 Presidential election and what needs to happen moving forward since he’s been so successful over the past decade. In an Op-Ed at the Wall Street Journal Rove had this to say.
He starts off with this:
…it’s important to remember that President Donald Trump’s most popular achievements were conservative: originalist judges, a pro-growth tax cut, regulatory relief, strong national defense, recognition of the global threat posed by China, secure borders, and respect for life and religious liberty.
Rove forgets that before Trump the GOP said virtually nothing about China stealing jobs or intellectual property or secure borders. He gives no credit to President Trump for being the most pro-life President in history and neglects to mention unfair trade, jobs, peace in the Middle East and the American future in space.
Rove and others forget that after eight years of President Bush, who never took a stand against the corrupt media, the Republican Party was in shambles. Rove’s efforts gave America an Obama Administration and supermajorities in the House and Senate. Many would argue he has no right to even present his ideas after that failure.
The thing that Rove doesn’t understand is that President Trump was a winner and the most popular Republican in history. Trump celebrated numerous accomplishments despite Rove and others in the Republican party lambasting him, blocking him or actively working against him and his supporters along the way.
Rove comments on the election without seriously considering the impossibility that:
The Grand Old Party lost the White House while picking up U.S. House seats, holding half the Senate, and adding to its numbers in state legislative chambers.
Rove refuses to look further into these numbers and results of the election because he hates President Trump.
Rove then adds,
The party should also increase efforts to recruit candidates who are female, Hispanic, Asian-American, black and younger. More diverse candidates were key to the GOP’s surprise gains in the House and the states.
The GOP must also disavow QAnon, the Proud Boys and militia elements that have infiltrated its ranks. The first is a cult organized around bizarre conspiracy theories and directed by unknown cranks, the second is a gang of violent thugs, and the third is a group of secessionists and extremists. Nothing good will come from tolerating such kooks and fanatics.
Rove has no idea what he is talking about here. These points are directly from the Democrat playbook and mainstream media. He proves this further by the most uneducated comment ever posted by a political pundit:
Republicans should also encourage GOP secretaries of state and state lawmakers to develop a model election code. The job of proposing electoral reforms shouldn’t be based on the unsupported claims of widespread fraud peddled by Rudy Giuliani and Sidney Powell.
Giuliani and Powell should sue him for these remarks. A person would have to have his head in a hole since the election to not see the election fraud. His statement is uneducated and is just not true. Here are just five of the thousands of events that occurred in this year’s election that the liberal media and political hacks like Rove refuse to look at.
Karl Rove fails because the entire world is talking about how Biden stole the election — just not on social media where they banned any discussion of the 2020 election fraud. Rove states emphatically that the steal did not happen and blames Americans’ lack of trust with the election system on President Trump:
Mr. Trump has already done damage to the GOP by convincing some followers that our democratic system is so rigged that it isn’t worth voting. Look at the Jan. 5 Georgia Senate runoffs: Turnout in the most-Trump friendly congressional districts dropped more from the general election than the statewide average.
Of course, it’s Trump’s fault! It’s not because of the corrupt system in place in Georgia that stole the state from Donald Trump and allowed a radical Marxist to defeat an attractive Republican US Senator. And, didn’t Trump campaign for Loeffler and Perdue?