WATCH: Guatemalans Are Currently Burning Down Their Congress After Series of Government Failures

Guatemalans are currently burning down their Congress after a series of crises hit their boiling point.

The protests were sparked after a budget bill passed on Tuesday, but that was only the final straw that the broke the camel’s back after years of anger towards their government.

Protesters brought over a guillotine before setting Congress ablaze.

Central American journalist Sandra Cuffe explained on Twitter that “Tuesday night, while Iota rains were flooding areas already devastated by Eta, Guatemala’s congress rammed through a budget bill, giving themselves extra millions for meals, cutting $25M for combatting malnutrition (they put it back after an outcry).”

“Today is not really about the budget bill. The budget bill was a match thrown onto a pool of fuel that has been gathering for years. There’s widespread rage directed at the current congress and president but also at political and business elites that transcend administrations,” she explained. “That said, certain aspects of the budget bill did trigger protests: the temporary axing of $25M re malnutrition, reducing the human rights ombudsman’s office budget by $2.5M, cutting the judiciary’s budget almost in half… and the bill’s passage at breakneck speed overnight.”

After some significant damage to the building, police moved in with tear gas to disperse the crowd.

The situation is currently ongoing.


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