“I Know in Venezuela Elections Are Like This – It was Stolen” – MICHIGAN Observer: I saw the 3:30am Biden Ballot Dump of Illegal Votes (VIDEO)

Jose Aliaga was a GOP Poll Challenger on election night in Detroit at the TCF Center, formerly known as Cobo Hall. 

While there, Aliaga saw the 3:30am Biden Ballot Dump of ballots arriving after the 8pm ballot deadline that pushed Biden ahead of Trump in the state.

He describes the 3:30am ballot dump, counting 59 boxes of new absentee ballots, at a time when Trump was leading Michigan by 300,000 votes.

These ballots were spread out to the tables, where Jose noticed at his table that they were all ballots for Joe Biden and incumbent Democrat Senator Gary Peters, and there were no other marks on the ballot. 

At that point the intimidation of GOP Poll Challengers increased, to prevent Jose and other challengers like him from observing the cheating he believed was going on.

Jose described Antifa-like people who were picking fights with Republicans.

Jose saw no more than 60 GOP Poll Challengers and 200+ Democrats.

The Democrats didn’t have to follow the rules about talking to poll workers, and cell phone use while votes were being counted. Jose says the Democrats’ only job was to intimidate people trying to protect the integrity of the vote. 

His statements match other accounts of a pattern of massive intimidation used to prevent election integrity that night, critical to ensuring voter fraud went on without notice or challenge.

When Jose was walking around, he heard Democrats and Poll Workers talking about “extra votes” and he felt as though they were engaged in voter fraud. “They were very well organized.”

“I know in Venezuela elections are like this.” Jose added, “This election was stolen.”


VIEW THE ENTIRE STATEMENT HERE: https://youtu.be/Pmv1DIDQhkI or https://www.bitchute.com/video/v9VqaKH8W8wW/


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Former writer for Human Events, Morris NorthStar, and The Federalist. 2023 ISI George Washington Statesman Fellow. Featured in the Washington City Paper, Washington Post, New York Times, and Playboy.

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