De Blasio Setting Up ‘COVID Checkpoints’ to Find NYC Travelers Violating Thanksgiving Quarantine

New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio is setting up “COVID Checkpoints” to find and fine people violating his holiday lockdown order.

New York City Sheriff Joseph Fucito said that they will be conducting spot checks when out-of-state buses drop riders off at the curb and will be checking cars with out of state and New York licenses plates.

Zero Hedge reports that “test-and-trace teams will also be on the ground to help direct people to testing sites while providing ‘education’ about quarantine.”

“New York’s statewide 14-day holiday quarantine mandates that travelers quarantine, or take a test showing they’re negative. Violations of self-quarantine will be enforced, and may carry fines of $1,000 to $2,000, the mayor’s office has said.”

There will be mandatory contact tracing at airports, Grand Central and Penn Station, and the Port Authority bus terminal.

NYC Councilmember Mark Levine, who has been urging people not to travel or celebrate the holiday at all, said in a tweet that “lines for covid tests in NYC today are breaking records–as long as 7 hrs.”

“This is alarming sign that huge #’s of NYers are getting tested ahead of holiday travel,” Levine added. “Remember: a negative test does *not* mean you can stop taking precautions on masks, distancing, quarantining etc.”