SHOCKING: Twitter Shuts Down Account of Chinese Professor Who Has Evidence China Created the Coronavirus in a Lab

Twitter is at it again.  This time shutting down individuals who tweet information detrimental to the Chinese Communist Party.

According to information from frequent TGP guest post author  Col. Lawrence Sellin (Ret.):

Dr. Li-Meng Yan, who investigated the origin of the COVID-19 virus during the initial outbreak in Wuhan China as a medical researcher in Hong Kong, has now provided unequivocal evidence that the virus was not of natural origin.

In the article, “Unusual Features of the SARS-CoV-2 Genome Suggesting Sophisticated Laboratory Modification Rather Than Natural Evolution and Delineation of Its Probable Synthetic Route,” Dr. Yan and her colleagues have offered a detailed description of how the virus was synthesized in laboratories controlled by China’s military.

The Chinese Communist Party and some Western scientists have long insisted that the COVID-19 pandemic was a naturally-occurring outbreak, acquired by humans after exposure to infected animals, an unsubstantiated conclusion eagerly promoted by a politicized media.

According to Dr. Yan, that politically-motivated “consensus” has undermined the integrity of science itself because scientific journals have clearly censored any dissenting opinions that suggest a non-natural origin of the COVID-19 virus.

Now, based on the work of Dr. Yan and others, the entire foundation of the naturally-occurring theory is in doubt.

China has claimed that a bat coronavirus named RaTG13 is the closest relative to the COVID-19 virus, but RaTG13 is not actually a virus because no biological samples exist. It is only a genomic sequence of a virus for which there are now serious questions about its accuracy.

Dr. Yan suggests that RaTG13 may have been used to divert the world’s attention away from the true source of the COVID-19 pandemic.

She claims that the COVID-19 virus originated in laboratories overseen by China’s People’s Liberation Army, using bat coronaviruses ZC45 and/or ZXC21 collected from Zhoushan, China and used as the viral “backbone” for genetic engineering.

Those bat coronaviruses were originally isolated and characterized between July 2015 and February 2017 under the supervision of the Third Military Medical University (Chongqing, China) and the Research Institute for Medicine of Nanjing Command (Nanjing, China).

The article goes on to explain how the receptor binding motif (RBM), which defines the coronavirus’ ability to bind to the specific human angiotensin converting enzyme-2 receptor (ACE2) underwent genetic manipulation.

That critical segment of the COVID-19 virus is bounded by two “restriction sites” not found in any related bat coronaviruses, which allow researchers to easily splice, that is, cut and paste components of other viruses into the viral backbone.

Due to her comments on China, social media giant Twitter shut down her accountas noted by zero hedge:

Here was a copy of Yan’s account before being shut down:

And here is a picture of her account on Sunday through today:

Who’s side is Twitter on?  What the hell we thought Twitter was an American company not a Chinese company?  Who leads that country?  China?

Photo of author
Joe Hoft is a Radio Host at, Author, Former International Corporate Executive in Hong Kong for a Decade, and a Contributor at TGP since 2016. Joe is the author of five books, including his new bestseller, "The Steal: Volume II - The Impossible Occurs" which addresses the stolen 2020 Election and provides an inventory of issues that prove that the 2020 Election was uncertifiable and never should have been certified for Joe Biden.

You can email Joe Hoft here, and read more of Joe Hoft's articles here.


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