This was the most disgusting event in US law enforcement history – Roger Stone being ambushed at 6am at his house in Florida by twenty-something FBI agents and CNN for total garbage crimes related to Russia collusion which didn’t exist (and the investigators and prosecutors knew it).
This occurred in America to an innocent civilian – Roger Stone. This is Obama’s America!
Roger Stone provided the Gateway Pundit exclusive pictures from his arrest at his home in Florida in the early morning of January 25, 2019.
This is an outrage.
The first picture shows the FBI agents approaching the house and then looking in the bushes to make sure Stone doesn’t ambush them:
The next picture shows FBI agents at Stone’s door with at least three guns locked, loaded and pointed right at him:
The next picture is from a few moments later as Roger Stone begins to open his door. Remember, this was early in the morning and Stone likely was woken up and just stumbled out of bed:
Next Stone opens the door a little bit further and Stone must have been asked to put his hands up. What a disgrace our Justice Department became under Obama and James Comey:
The final picture is Stone being carted off in handcuffs with a shirt on that says – Roger Stone Did Nothing Wrong:
Tucker Carlson spoke out about the kangaroo court and judge overseeing Stone’s case. The Stone arrest, indictment and court case have been outrageously corrupt –
Corrupt CNN recently received an award for filming the Stone arrest by the corrupt White House Press pool.
Please donate to Roger Stone to help him pay his legal fees at – Roger Stone Legal Defense Fund