Beto Doubles Down: “Hell Yes We’re Going To Take Your AR-15”; Fundraising Off Delusions Of Gun Control

“Nobody is coming to take your guns” the anti gun crowd likes to parrot. Except for when politicians they prop up literally are talking about confiscating guns. Beto O’Rourke has been making shockwaves recently with his delusions of gun control grandeur, rife with confiscation fantasies. Beto has chosen to double down on his rhetoric, and boldly proclaimed “Hell yes we’re going to take your AR-15, your AK-47” at Thursday evening’s debate.

Baby faced Beto tripled and quadrupled down on this early Friday morning while appearing on MSNBC, saying that turning in guns would be mandatory. His plan largely depends on people voluntarily complying with new laws. When pressed about people who won’t just hand ’em over, Beto explains “I’m going to work with police chiefs, with sheriffs, with law enforcement to make sure we implement this in the most effective way possible.” Beto then clarifies “No, it’s not voluntary. I want to make sure that we make the distinction here. It is mandatory. It will be the law. You will be required to comply with the law,” before going on to compare his efforts to the plight of the civil rights movement in the 50’s and 60’s.

He’s even fundraising off the new quote:

Baby Beto seems to be getting offended by reactions of some people to his propositions, such as Texas state legislator Briscoe Cain, who has an excellent cowboy name.

His unrealistic rantings are even making the certifiables at CNN uneasy, as they seem to be urging him to shut the hell up.

For decades, the National Rifle Association — and its Republican allies in Congress and now in the White House — have used the idea of confiscation to win the gun debate. If Democrats were in control, they’d come to your house and take your guns!, the argument goes. It’s why gun purchases soared in the immediate aftermath of Barack Obama’s election in 2008, for example.
“It depends on if Democrats want to take your guns away,” President Donald Trump said in response to questions Thursday about whether some sort of gun control measure might be passed by Congress this fall. “If this is a movement by the Democrats to take your guns away, it’s never going to happen.”
Up until very recently, the Democrats-want-to-get-rid-of-the-Second-Amendment talk was, like so much of Trump’s rhetoric, outlandish and without any basis in facts. Obama in 2008 and 2012 and Hillary Clinton in 2016 expressly made clear they had no interest in any sort of mandatory collection or buyback program.
While a mandatory buyback campaign of weapons like the AR-15 and AK-47 doesn’t amount to a wholesale gun confiscation, it walks much closer to that doomsday scenario the NRA has spent years painting as just over the horizon if Democrats get into power.
Even if O’Rourke never even sniffs the Democratic presidential nomination, the eventual nominee will have to answer for his support of a mandatory buyback program.
And whether or not O’Rourke is the nominee, Republicans will use his comments to stoke fear and anger in their base — see, we told you Democrats really want to take all your guns … just look at this quote from Beto O’Rourke!!!
Is it possible that the debate on guns and gun control has been changed in a fundamental way by the recent spate of mass shootings? O’Rourke seems to believe it has. And maybe it has! But if it hasn’t, then O’Rourke just handed Republicans a massive political gift: A club to bash the eventual Democratic nominee with on confiscating peoples’ guns.
Beto Spoke with Chris Matthews right after the debate, where Matthews talks with him about this and says “Forget about militias and all that stuff in the Constitution” and Beto seems to think the Supreme Court, post Heller, would agree with him on this. They both seem to think that the guns come from the government, and not private manufacturers.


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