Special Counsel Robert Mueller testified before Congress today on the Trump-Russia Collusion witch hunt.
He could not have looked more confused and out of his league if he tried.
It was a slow motion trainwreck.
Mueller looked like a confused, stuttering, mumbling, lost, doddering and nervous old man. He frequently paged through his notes.
Even Michael Moore agreed that Mueller was not on his game.
This had to hurt.
Michael Moore: A frail old man, unable to remember things, stumbling, refusing to answer basic questions…I said it in 2017 and Mueller confirmed it today — All you pundits and moderates and lame Dems who told the public to put their faith in the esteemed Robert Mueller — just STFU from now on
The comments are lit!
Even President Trump weighed in.
Even Michael Moore agrees that the Dems and Mueller blew it! https://t.co/ZFPb50vi4v
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) July 24, 2019