This was awkward.
Creepy Hands Biden made his first 2020 presidential campaign stop in New Hampshire Monday morning and it was major cringe.
Speaking at a pizza joint in Hampton, Creepy Hands Biden said in a very low energy voice that he’s running for president to basically make America great again.
“The situation is that I’m running three reasons: I wanna restore the soul of this country and secondly and I wanna quite frankly rebuild the backbone of this country…the middle class, and thirdly what I want to do is…unite the country,” Biden said, ripping off of Trump’s MAGA message.
So, Biden wants to MAGA.
At least Biden didn’t say he wants to make America straight again like he did a few weeks ago while speaking to reporters just hours after he launched his 2020 White House bid in Delaware.
Biden has been in politics for DECADES so what exactly has he done besides making himself wealthy by pillaging the country for the last 45 or so years?
WATCH (try not to fall asleep):
Biden opens up his stump speech in Hampton, NH saying he wants to “unite” the country
— Stephanie Murray (@stephanie_murr) May 13, 2019