Patriots from 5 states gathered on Tuesday, September 27th outside the Cannon Building in Washington D.C. to try to get interest and support from Congress to help Sgt. Derrick Miller.
** Read more about Derrick’s plight here and here and Diana West gives a good synopsis here– The Death of the Grown-Up- Eating Our Own Some More.
Despite a mid-day vote, with hundreds of Congressmen and Senators walking past the group led by Derrick’s parents, few were willing to even look this mother in the eye let alone learn about how they can help Sgt. Miller. Derrick’s mother Renee took her stand on the corner after a frustrating 3 years of trying to get the support of Maryland Democrats, including Derrick’s own Congressman Chris Van Hollen. They have all been unwilling to fight for Derrick’s freedom although they enjoy the freedom he helped provide.
A few Congressmen did take the time to hear about the travesty of Derrick’s situation including Congressmen Dave Reichert (R-WA), Jeff Miller (R-FL), Mike Kelly (R-PA), Peter King (R-NY) Steve Russell (R-OK), Ralph Lee Abraham, Jr. (R-LA), Brian Babin (R-Texas), and a staffer for Frank Guinta (R-NH). Congressman Babin gave Renee unhurried time in his office to hear more in-depth details of Derrick’s story.
Notice anything about what follows each name above? Not a single democrat stopped by. They wouldn’t even look these parents in the eyes. Despite passing giant signs of a man in uniform, very few congressmen or staffers felt compelled to even ask why their fellow Americans, their constituents, had gathered.
No members of Black Lives Matter joined them on the corner. Apparently not all black lives matter.
If you are in the DC area, these patriots will be continuing their efforts Wednesday and Thursday from 9-4 each day. Join them. Ask YOUR congressmen to stop by and take a few minutes to learn about Derrick’s story and ask them for their help.