The Progressive left is trying very hard to erase borders in an effort to create a new “just and equal” society under the guise of a one world order. But for that to happen the nations of the world must cease thinking of themselves as autonomous nation states and embrace a new “Global Vision”. At least that’s what the head of the United Nations is urging them to do.
On Monday, during a press conference at the United Nations Climate Conference in Paris, France known as COP21, U.N. Secretary General BAN Ki-moon stated that the nations of the world need to replace their national perspective with a “global vision” in order to fight man-made Climate Change:
“The member states have expressed their concerns and their aspirations and their views loud and clear. All the developed and developing countries. Particularly countries from small islands developing states, vulnerable group of countries, and the views of civil society and indigenous communities have all been compiled. But they have been working very hard since Peru Summit meeting. I really applaud their commitment and hard work.
Now there are still many brackets, it’s a matter of choice now. I’m asking them to expedite their negotiations. They should have a global vision. Now what they have been expressing, I believe they have been expressing their views based on global vision, but in some cases there were a lot of national perspectives. Now we have to go beyond these national perspectives and have to agree on global visions.”
Updated text for the new global climate agreement is scheduled to be released on Wednesday of this week but only if, as Secretary Moon pointed out, the member states of the U.N. can agree to set aside their national perspectives and embrace the new “global vision”.
While the exact conditions of the agreement are not yet known it is clear that the “global vision” will include the fundamental transformation of the Western nations into Socialist states, while forcing some type of carbon credit trading system upon the world.
In other words, your life is about to become much less free and living it will be much, much more expensive.
You can watch the entire press conference here.