HERO: Actor Kurt Russell Defends The Second Amendment ON THE VIEW (VIDEO)

Kurt Russell The View

Kurt Russell recently appeared on The View and articulately explained his support for the Second Amendment. He started out by mentioning the recent interview he did which went viral but went on at length.

Awr Hawkins reported at Breitbart:

Kurt Russell: Second Amendment Gives Citizens Defense Against Government

During the December 18 airing of The View, actor Kurt Russell said those who fought in the Civil War would not have been able to do “what they considered defending their life, their way, their style of living,” if it had not been for the Second Amendment.

Russell said, “I think there’s a very strong reason the Founding Fathers had for the Second Amendment.”

When we’re dealing with things like, terrorism, we’re all going to have different opinions on how to do it—how to deal with it. Mine happens to be that, I think there’s a very strong reason the Founding Fathers had for the Second Amendment. And that is that no government ever hasn’t had to fight its own people, and its own people hasn’t had to fight its own government.

We had our Civil War. If that Second Amendment hadn’t have been there, those people wouldn’t have had the opportunity to do what they considered defending their life, their way, their style of living. So I agree with that. I think that’s an important part of our existence. It’s basically that simple.

Watch the video:

Isn’t it refreshing to hear someone in Hollywood defending the Constitution?
