What They Say During A Brady Campaign Conference Call…


How can we get it through their thick skulls that they need to register their guns?” Asks Katie, from North Bend , Oregon, during a Brady Campaign conference call that focused on gun control legislation in the state. “I’m a thousand percent supporter of gun registry, but what I have a feeling is that the paranoid people who are against it, they always seem to have something to hide, and that perhaps that is why they don’t want to register their guns… How can we get it across to the paranoid group to please register their guns? How can we get it through their thick skulls that they need to register their guns?

Dan Gross, president of the Brady Campaign and Oregon state Senator Ginny Burdick try to run damage control on the delusional woman, and instruct her on how to redirect her talking points. Senator Burdick says this isn’t about “registration”, but has been previously seen outright calling for registration in a prior video.

This portion of the call was captured in this video:


Thanks for sharing!