Sebelius: Administration’s Predictions Were “Flat Out Wrong”

(AP Picture from The Daily Mail)
(Daily Mail)

It seems that outgoing Health and Humans Services Secretary, Kathleen Sebelius, has had a small change of heart.

According to an article on, she admits that the Obama Administration’s predictions that the online- sign up for Obamacare would be ready on Oct 1st was just a lie…er.., flat out wrong

WASHINGTON (AP) — Outgoing Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius says the administration’s own predictions that the new health care law’s online sign-up system would be ready by Oct. 1 were “just flat out wrong.”

Sebelius told NBC’s “Meet the Press” in an interview airing Sunday the health care website’s launch was “terribly flawed and terribly difficult.” She says that eight-week period was her low point of her tenure.

Read more Here.

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