The left sent out their astroturfed goons and union thugs to disrupt town hall events this week. As usual, their strategy was to shout down, silence and threaten conservatives.
Rep. Dan Webster (R-FL) was shouted down by a few of the far left goons this week at his final town hall event in Orlando, Florida.
The Orlando Sentinel reported, via HotAir:
A town hall meeting held in Orlando by U.S. Rep. Dan Webster degenerated into bedlam Tuesday, with members of the crowd shouting down the freshman Republican congressman and yelling at one another.
It was the last of a series of town hall meetings Webster has hosted during Congress’ spring recess, which ends Monday. While the others were civil and largely uneventful, the 300 people at Tuesday’s meeting were so raucous they were scolded by a police officer to act “like grown people.”
Webster tried to go over a series of charts showing growing levels of federal spending and debt, and the reason he supports the federal budget plan put forward by Rep. Paul Ryan, R-Wis. But he was interrupted at every turn by shouts from his critics, including members of progressive groups such as and Organize Now.
Notice how outnumbered they are.