Worst. President. Ever.
Holy crap. These crackpot leftists want to put Obama on the dollar bill!
For what?… Destroying the economy?
He’s not even out of office yet?
Yahoo reported:
The American dollar is in bad need of a makeover. Thanks to the Dollar ReDe$ign Project, we may now have some options.
Organized by creative strategy consultant Richard Smith, the Dollar ReDe$ign Project is soliciting ideas for the dollar bill of the future. “Our great ‘rival’, the Euro, looks so spanky in comparison it seems the only clear way to revive this global recession is to rebrand and redesign,” the project notes on its website.
Fisher started the project in with the intent of “trying to find a catalyst to restart our economy” he told Fox News. The recent competition is now closed, and voting ends on September 30. “This has touched people’s hearts,” Fisher said, and “people feel the dollar touches their lives.”
The leading vote-getter for this year’s competition (pictured above) was submitted by British duo Dowling Duncan, which features a unique vertical design.
See our earlier post HERE.