ISIS E-Book Teaches Western Muslims How To Blend In

Guest post by DMartyr


A “Mujahid Guide” is circulating that teaches Muslims in Western countries how to blend in:

This book is a guide for the Muslims who are living in a majority non Muslim land, or a country where the rulers are harsh towards the believers. It will explain to you the different scenarios you may get into and how to react. It will teach you how to be a secret Agent who lives a double life, something Muslims will have to do to survive in the coming years.

The book categorizes Muslims into three groups: Converts to Islam, born Muslims, and practicing Muslims. The book explains how each group should behave in order to “look more friendly” and non-threatening while, at the same time, discreetly training for operations.

There is an entire section dedicated to the Muslim terrorists who killed the Charlie Hebdo cartoonists, which explains, in some detail, how the terrorists were able to carry out their attack.  The book also has sections on how to steal money from non-Muslims, how to build bombs, and how to “escape” to the safety of the Islamic State once exposed as an extremist.

The entire book operates on the premise that Muslims in the West are secret agents ready to rise up when the time comes:

When the Jihad reaches your neighborhood, rise up and race towards shahadah (martyrdom). That has been your goal from the beginning, that is why you are reading this book. Do not let the fitnah (temptation) of money and weapons override your intention of istish-haad (seeking martyrdom).

I chose not to publish a link to the book because some of the contents does not need to be circulated. But, by exposing the intent, it is important in understanding what we are up against.  We need to prepare.


Thanks for sharing!