Jew-Hating Former Black Panther Is About to Win Dem Nomination for New York’s 8th District

Anti-Semites on Parade–

Jew-haters George Galloway (in black shirt), Cynthia McKinney (in yellow hat) and Charles Barron (behind Galloway) stop for pictures on their Viva Palestine pro-Hamas convoy to undermine the Israeli blockade of Gaza. (Flickr)

By Rachel Pulaski

On Monday a group of elected officials met in front of the Museum of Jewish Heritage in Manhattan to denounce former Black Panther, racist and anti-Semite Charles Barron.  Barron is running for US Congress in New York’s Eighth District.  Barron is known for his hatred of Israel and  his aggressive behavior towards Jews and whites.  The group was led by City Councilman David Greenfield.  Greenfield called Barron the “David Duke of New York City” and former Mayor Ed Koch called him a “viper”.  WNYC reported:

Greenfield said that he invited his fellow leaders to alert voters about Barron’s inflammatory rhetoric about Israel, including having called it “the biggest terrorist in the world” and comparing it to Nazi Germany. They also attacked Barron’s defense of Mugabe.

Barron also received some endorsements recently:

Barron recently received endorsements from influential public union DC-37, the New York Amsterdam Press and the district’s incumbent, Congressman Ed Towns

The Weekly Standard reported on Barron’s anti-Israel ”Viva Palestine” trip:

And in 2009, Barron joined former congresswoman Cynthia McKinney on a Viva Palestine convoy to undermine the Israeli blockade of Hamas-controlled Gaza, which he has compared to a “concentration death camp.” Here’s what Barron had to say in 2010 about the blockade:

Israel is out of control. They’re off the hook, they’re out of line; and Barack Obama has to stand strong and so do does Hillary Clinton, the secretary of state, to say that this kind of aggressive, terroristic behavior and act of piracy will not be tolerated and the blockade should be lifted immediately, immediately. There’s too many children and women and innocent men of Gaza dying because you’re isolating them and not allowing anything in. It’s like having a concentration death camp. It’s horrible, and the whole world is and should be outraged.

NY Daily News reported Barron rallied in support of reparations for slavery in 2002 and called for schools to train teachers in Ebonics:

Barron is a former Black Panther who plays a one-note trumpet of racial grievance.

He has called for training teachers in Ebonics. He has labeled housing development “a new wave of Jim Crowism.”

At a 2002 rally in support of reparations for slavery, he said: “I want to go up to the closest white person and say, ‘You can’t understand this, it’s a black thing’ and then slap him, just for my mental health.”

There’s much more…
An old 2005  radio interview with Charles Barron when he was a City Councilman was re-posted on youtube yesterday.  In the interview Barron talks about his hatred of Israel and his loyalty with the people of Gaza.

Charles Barron is a dangerous radical communist and anti-Semite. And the Democrats are about to nominate him for US Congress two weeks from today. Let’s face it, this isn’t your daddy’s Democrat Party anymore.


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