Loudmouth Snob On Train Flips Out, Asks “Do You Know How Well Educated I Am?”

A Wall Street intern was scolded by the conductor for “loud and profane language” while riding the Metro North train. The intern became highly indignant, and after a heated exchange with the conductor, stormed off.

A minute later, there was an announcement asking all passengers not to use profanity on the train, “especially those people who went to Harvard or Yale or are from Westport.”

Dealbreaker reported –

If you took Metro North home last night, perhaps you witnessed an altercation between a fellow passenger and a train official? A conductor asked a rider, former BNP “graduate intern” Hermon Raju, to please refrain from audibly cursing, to which she responded with a variety of (rhetorical?) questions including, “Do you know what schools I’ve been to?” “Do you know how well-educated I am?” demanded someone “stop this train,” and once again made it clear, “I’m not a crazy person, I’m a very well educated person.” Raju also said she’d never give Metro North her money again and considering she rides it “to and from work and to my parents’ house,” the loss of revenue might seriously hurt the MTA.

UPDATE: According to a spokeswoman for BNP, Raju is no longer associated with the firm.


Thanks for sharing!