Walz’s 2022 Gubernatorial Opponent Dr. Scott Jensen Has a Warning for Voters

Dr. Scott Jensen/Image: Video screenshot.

Dr. Scott Jensen ran against Tim Walz in the 2022 Minnesota gubernatorial race, and he has a warning for voters.

Dr. Jensen was very outspoken during the COVID crisis and made national news when he spoke out about the purposely inflated COVID numbers.

Minnesota AG Keith Ellison, a complete radical, later threatened to take away Jensen’s medical license for speaking out against the COVID protocol.

TYRANNY: Minnesota Democrat Officials Including AG Keith Ellison Want to Take Away Dr. Jensen’s License after He Spoke Out About Inflated COVID Numbers

Minnesota under leftist nutcase Tim Walz had one of the strictest COVID rules in the country.

Jensen told The New York Post, “He comes across as everyone’s favorite uncle and jovial, but the fact is he can be a pitbull when he needs to be, " and that Walz is " a wolf in sheep's clothing."

He also warned Republican VP candidate JD Vance to be wary of any promises about a debate between the two.

Per The Post:

In the months before the election, Walz supposedly told the press “‘we’ll have more debates, absolutely,’” Jensen recalled.

The pair ultimately faced off in three debates but opponents “never had any statewide televised debate,” Jensen lamented.

“We had a localized [debate]….that was not allowed to be televised here in the two major cities of Minnesota, Minneapolis and St. Paul,” he claimed.

“He basically went back on his word.”

Jensen took to X to share more and excoriated Walz's dismal record in Minnesota. And Jensen brought the receipts.

"I thought I'd go on record and put some thoughts out there. First of all, on Tim Walz, I think he is the ultimate Teflon man. He can express an affability, bloviate with the best of them.  He can literally take a simple question and turn the response into a word salad in a pleasant way."

"I think as that ultimate Teflon politician, a person who could potentially make a mistake and come away from it unscathed, he's very, very good at it."

"When it comes to spending, Tim Walz is with the best of them. He took an $18 billion surplus, promised it to the people...did not deliver it to the people, spent it...and then raised $10 billion in new taxes on top of that."

Jensen also discussed Walz's horrific record on education and law and order.

He ends with a chilling warning, "When it comes to the kids, parents,  guard your children."


Jensen has been a thorn in the side of radical leftists for his attempts to blow the whistle on attempts to fill out death certificates during the pandemic with a COVID diagnosis without a lab test to confirm if the patient actually had the virus.