Robert Kennedy Jr. Slams Hypocritical Democrats: ‘The DNC in Chicago Is Claiming to Defend Voting Rights While Spending Millions to Keep Me Off the Ballot’

Presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. has accused his own party of blatant hypocrisy regarding voting rights. He asserts that while the Democratic National Committee (DNC) publicly champions the cause of voter access, they are simultaneously engaged in efforts to suppress the opponent’s candidacy, including him.

Kennedy Jr., who is facing significant resistance from party insiders, claims that the DNC and various state-level organizations are employing underhanded tactics to undermine his campaign.

His vice-presidential pick, Nicole Shanahan, echoed these sentiments, highlighting the alarming trend of legal battles initiated by Democrats against political opponents.

“Trump has had 6 court battles to fight during this election, while we have 9 and counting across the country. By bringing these suits against political opponents, the Democrats bankrupt the underpinnings of democracy,” Shanahan said.


Following a court ruling on Wednesday, RFK Jr. expressed his outrage at the DNC’s actions.

“The DNC is in Chicago talking about their commitment to voting rights while they’re spending tens, maybe hundreds of millions of dollars to keep me off the ballot,” he said.

“There’s a million people in this country who have signed petitions trying to get me on the ballot—145,000 at least here in New York State alone. They want to see me on the ballot. Why is the Democratic Party trying to disenfranchise those people? What’s happened to the party?”

Kennedy Jr. lamented the transformation of the Democratic Party, suggesting that both his father and uncle would not recognize today’s party.

“What’s happened to the party? I don’t think my father would recognize this party, and I don’t think my uncle would recognize this party.”


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Jim Hᴏft is the founder and editor of The Gateway Pundit, one of the top conservative news outlets in America. Jim was awarded the Reed Irvine Accuracy in Media Award in 2013 and is the proud recipient of the Breitbart Award for Excellence in Online Journalism from the Americans for Prosperity Foundation in May 2016.

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