‘It Was So Easy to Get Into the US’: Migrants Waltz Through Border Gates Welded Open by Biden Administration

“Nothing like our journey through Mexico. That part was hard. I thought there was going to be more security.”

This statement by an immigrant illegally entering Arizona says it all.

It seems it’s tougher to get into Mexico than it is to get into the United States of America.

And if it wasn’t easy enough already, officials in Arizona have given the green light to every immigrant hopeful from Mexico to China by literally welding the doors to the state open.

According to the New York Post, a large metal pin that is supposed to help keep the gates open when needed has been welded to the gates, so they cannot be shut, purportedly for the free flow of water during monsoon season and for antelope migration, according to officials.

But the antelope aren’t the only ones migrating through the open gates.

The Post reported that an average of 1,400 immigrants a day from as far away as China are just sauntering through the gates while the overwhelmed border patrol is helpless to stop them.

Each of the 114 gates, which have been open for nearly two months, features 12-foot doors with enough width for a motorcycle to pass through. Smugglers bring loads of migrants to the Mexican side of the border, and then the migrants just walk through.

One Ecuadorean migrant reportedly told the Post, “We thought the agents were going to tell us something. But we just walked in.”

Another Cuban migrant said, “It was so easy to get into the U.S.”

Border Patrol told the Post that the call to keep the gates open came from federal agencies, including the National Park Service and that when they tried to shut the gates, they had an order come down telling them to keep it open because of the rain.

However the agents said the rain was late, and it made an easy dry path for the migrants.

One source told the Post, “Everything changed since [President Biden] took over. This part of the border wall was built four years ago. Now we’re just letting people through.”

According to CBS, Democratic presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. is sounding the alarm about this crisis in a new documentary, “Midnight at the Border,” after spending three days in Yuma, “meeting with migrants, elected officials, law enforcement, and social service agencies.”

While no fan of former President Donald Trump, Kennedy said he believes some of Trump’s policies should be looked at again.

Democrats have been evading the question about the border with world salads and double speak.

The border is not an issue that can be ignored in the upcoming election.

It needs to be the focus, and the candidates, especially the president, who has evaded this issue for his entire tenure, need to have answers and real solutions.

Putting a pin in it isn’t working.

This article appeared originally on The Western Journal.