Nine-Month Pregnant Woman Shoots Armed Robber at Houston Gas Station (VIDEO)

A pregnant woman shot an armed robber at a Houston gas station on Tuesday.

According to Fox 26 Houston, a nine-month pregnant woman shot a man who tried to rob her and her husband at a gas station at 8605 Fulton Street on Tuesday.

The suspect, Mario Ilpina Duque, pistol-whipped the pregnant woman’s husband before she opened fire.

Surveillance video from the gas station shows the heavily pregnant woman shooting Duque in self-defense.

Duque survived and remains hospitalized.

He was charged with aggravated assault with a deadly weapon and unlawful carrying of a weapon, according to Fox 26 Houston.


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Cristina began writing for The Gateway Pundit in 2016 and she is now the Associate Editor.

You can email Cristina Laila here, and read more of Cristina Laila's articles here.