30-Year-Old Chicago West Side Arts Organization Leader Dies Suddenly from Complications Due to Cardiac Arrest

An Auxiliary Board Member at the Design Museum of Chicago died last week from cardiac arrest complications.

Jon Veal, co-founder and director of Alt_Chicago (Alt Space Chicago), an organization that aimed to transform Chicago through art, died suddenly, according to his family. He reportedly died from complications due to cardiac arrest on Wednesday, September 21.

“Hey family, it was officially pronounced at 2:18 am today Jon Veal made his debut into Gods full embrace,” said Veal’s sister, Carty My’e.

“From the bottom of my heart and my family’s heart thank you all so much for your love, prayers, calls, text, food, hugs, just the overwhelming amounts of loving energy,” she added.

The 30-year-old’s death was also revealed by the group he co-founded.

“On Behalf of his parents Joseph and Karen Veal, and the alt_ Family, it is with profound sadness that we announce the sudden death of Jon Taylor Veal, our beloved brother, faithful friend and courageous co-founder of alt_ Chicago,” the post read.

“His light, his passion, his boundless energy demonstrated what is possible when you don’t ask permission to be powerful beyond measure. So grateful to have been a part of your life, your vision, your commitment to serving God with all your creative genius as an artist. Your belief in art as a means to the fullest expression of self, as a bridge between the secular and spiritual and as a catalyst for change is just one tangible expression of your brilliance and your irrepressible generosity.

“Taken in Triumph, the heavens rejoice, over one who would never shrink back from a fight, one who never stopped challenging us to Dream Bigger, Believe More is always possible, and to embrace Our Strength as Individuals and as a Community,” the post concludes.

“It was so unexpected,” said Jordan Campbell, a close friend of Veal’s and co-founder of the arts organization. “There were just so many things that we were planning.”

Tributes poured in following his death:

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Jim Hᴏft is the founder and editor of The Gateway Pundit, one of the top conservative news outlets in America. Jim was awarded the Reed Irvine Accuracy in Media Award in 2013 and is the proud recipient of the Breitbart Award for Excellence in Online Journalism from the Americans for Prosperity Foundation in May 2016.

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