Jesse Watters Has A Solution For Unmarried Women Voting Blue By Huge Margin: “Guys, Go Put A Ring On It” (VIDEO)

According to 2022 exit poll data, unmarried women voted far more for the Democrats while married women voted more for Republicans.

Here is the breakdown:

Unmarried Women: 31% Republicans, 68% Democrats

Married Women: 56% Republicans, 42% Democrats

Married Men: 59% Republicans, 39% Democrats

KATV reported:

Exit poll data on voter turnout revealed that married individuals favored the GOP during this year’s midterms, while unmarried women significantly favored Democrats.

Married men voted for Republicans 20% more than they did for Democrats. Single men also favored GOP candidates on the ballot, but by a much slimmer margin of 7%, according to CNN exit polls.

The same exit polls also showed married women favored the GOP by 14%.

Unmarried women, however, sided with Democrats a whopping 37% more than they did Republicans, according to CNN’s data, which was collected from 18,571 total respondents.

Jesse Watters did a segment on his show discussing the numbers.

Video (transcript below):

From the video:

“Also, single women are breaking for Democrats by thirty points and this makes sense when you think about how Democrat policies are designed to keep women single. Once women get married they vote Republican. Married Women, Married Men go for Republicans by double digits but single women and voters under 40 have been captured by Democrats. So we need these ladies to get married and it is time to fall in love and just settle down. Guys, go put a ring on it.”

Brad Wilcox from the National Marriage Project pointed out that the gender marriage story is going to become an increasingly important story and called the Democrat party “the party of unmarried women.”

Scott Adams said that Democrats are getting a “built-in persuasion advantage” because of this.

Is this part of the Democrats’ plan?

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