Jair Bolsonaro squares with corrupt Socialist Lula de Silva at the presidential debate on Sunday.
Matthew Tyrmand joined Steve Bannon on the War Room on Wednesday to discuss the upcoming runoff election for President of Brazil on October 30th.
The Communist-Globalist movement is pushing for a Lula de-Silva victory. They are scared to death of Jair Bolsonara, the Trump of the Tropics.
The left-leaning Supreme Court this week banned a movie release before the election on Jair Bolsonaro and the assassination attempt against him.
The court also demanded that 30 pro-Bolsonaro platforms be unmasked so the public can see who they are.
The court also banned commentators on social media from posting that Socialist felon Lula de Silva is corrupt, even after he spent months in prison on corruption charges.
Brazil sounds a lot like the US, huh?
Meanwhile, Supreme Court Justice Luis Roberto Barroso met Socialist candidate and felon Lula de Silva for a private meeting on Tuesday.
A photo was later released on Barosso leaving the meeting and was posted online.
Matthew Tyrmand joined Steve Bannon on The War Room on Wednesday to discuss the latest crackdown on free speech by the state communists for Lula de Silva.