California May Drop Mask Mandates For Schools in Two Weeks

California is set to drop its mask mandate for schools in two weeks.

California’s statewide mask mandate (for the vaccinated) ended today, however the Covid tyrants and child abusers left the mandate in place for schools.

School children in California have been protesting the mask mandates since Governor Newsom was spotted at a Rams game without a mask on.

Maskless celebrities were also enjoying the Super Bowl at SoFi Stadium in Los Angeles on Sunday but the tyrants won’t stop abusing the children.

Connecticut, Delaware and New Jersey recently dropped their mask mandates for schools and now it’s California’s turn.

KCRA reported:

COVID-19 cases and hospitalizations are rapidly falling in California to the point where health officials are getting close to ditching the state’s mask mandate in schools. But the state’s top health official said he’s not ready to pull the trigger just yet, though he “anticipates” being able to announce in two weeks a likely end date.

“Masking requirements were never put in place to be there forever,” Health and Human Services Secretary Dr. Mark Ghaly said. “It’s not a question of if. It’s a question of when.”

Ghaly said that cases, hospitalizations, vaccination rates and national and global trends would all play a role over the next two weeks as the state reassesses conditions. On Feb. 28, Ghaly said he plans to announce when the mandate would move to “a strong recommendation.”

There is ZERO science behind masking children in schools.

This picture of Georgia Democrat gubernatorial candidate Stacey Abrams is the Democrat party of child abusers in a nutshell:

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Cristina began writing for The Gateway Pundit in 2016 and she is now the Associate Editor.

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