REPORT: Could Wisconsin Be The FIRST State To DECERTIFY The Fraudulent 2020 Election After Yesterday’s Explosive Report?

Wisconsin may be the first state to decertify the fraudulent 2020 election after Racine County Sheriff and Sgt. Michael Luell caught the Wisconsin Elections Commission red-handed.

OAN’s Christina Bobb wrote a phenomenal report, shortly after it was revealed that members of the Wisconsin Elections Commission targeted nursing homes and knowingly “shattered” elections laws, according to Racine County Sheriff Christopher Schmaling. 

Yesterday, The Gateway Pundit reported that Sheriff Christopher Schmaling presented the results of an extensive investigation into the voter fraud, committed in Wisconsin nursing homes by the Wisconsin Elections Commission.

LIVE STREAM VIDEO: WI Sheriff Schmaling: ‘ELECTION LAW WAS NOT JUST BROKEN BUT SHATTERED!” – Releases Evidence of Election Fraud in Racine, Wisconsin!

Wisconsin Election officials did not accidentally break these laws. This was not sloppy mismanagement of elections or criminal incompetence. This was a coordinated plot to subvert election laws and steal the Wisconsin election. In other words, criminal malfeasance.

According to Schmaling, WEC officials knew that they “needed the flexibility to violate the law,” and that they would need to “instruct county clerks to break the law.”, over a recorded zoom call.

Although they knew it was illegal and even expressed the illegality of these actions, The WEC determined that COVID made it too dangerous to use Special Voting Deputies in nursing homes.

Special Voting Deputies are trained professionals whose job is to protect the voting rights of nursing home patients and prevent abuse, ballot harvesting, and other law violations from taking place. Wisconsin state law requires them to be a part of the voting process in nursing homes.

The WEC sent a letter to county elections officials instructing the legally required SVDs into nursing homes.

While other “essential workers” like food delivery, and different first-world service providers were allowed into the building, legally sanctioned but apparently non-essential Special Voting Deputies were barred from securing voting rights and preventing elder abuse.

It was reported that many ballots were cast on behalf of incapacitated nursing home patients who lacked the lucidity or capability to consent to the vote. Some complaints say that ballots were cast in accordance with how incapacitated voters “voted last election”.

Schmaling believes that this fraud targeted at nursing home patients was not limited to one facility but occurred statewide. Racine County has 11 nursing homes and the state of Wisconsin has 72 counties. Well over a hundred nursing homes with hundreds of ballots each may have been subjected to voter fraud perpetrated by the Wisconsin Elections Commission.

Christina Bobb concludes,

Based on just nursing home abuses and election fraud, there could be as many as 50,000 – 100,000 fraudulent ballots cast in Wisconsin during the 2020 election.  Biden supposedly won the state by 20,682.  This is more than enough fraud to have changed the outcome of the election.

The Wisconsin Election Commission orchestrated a criminal and fraudulent election.  The sheriff has said that he is referring the crimes to the Racine District Attorney, Patricia Hanson.  Hanson is an elected Republican and will be called upon to prosecute these crimes.  At the same time, the Wisconsin legislature has more than enough evidence to show that the results certified in 2020 are fraudulent and must be decertified. It’s incumbent upon the Republican state legislature to stand by the laws they pass and not allow criminal activity to overrule law and order.  The Wisconsin State Legislature is primed to decertify their election.  Will they?

The Gateway Pundit reported that this investigation has been turned over to the District Attorney and these crimes must be punished.

Racine Sheriff’s Office to Submit Investigation to District Attorney — Wisconsin Election Commission Violated Law in Statewide Nursing Home Voter Scam (VIDEO)

Contact Wisconsin State Legislators and demand decertification, here.

Wisconsin could be the first domino to fall.

Photo of author
Jordan Conradson, formerly TGP’s Arizona correspondent, is currently on assignment in Washington DC. Jordan has played a critical role in exposing fraud and corruption in Arizona's elections and elected officials. His reporting on election crimes in Maricopa County led to the resignation of one election official, and he was later banned from the Maricopa County press room for his courage in pursuit of the truth. TGP and Jordan finally gained access after suing Maricopa County, America's fourth largest county, and winning at the Ninth Circuit U.S. Court of Appeals. Conradson looks forward to bringing his aggressive style of journalism to the Swamp.

You can email Jordan Conradson here, and read more of Jordan Conradson's articles here.